Which datacentre is best

With so many great data centers to select from, it all boils down to which one matches your specific set of requirements. Are you looking for reduced latency? Do speed tests on each - compare their bandwidth pricing. Maybe the rack pricing makes up for the difference in bandwidth, or visa versa.
I always liked SoftLayer. But, I've ran into issues regarding there abuse department - they have some moron working there.
We add datacenter we use currently:

Hong Kong Datacentres
Sunnyvision Limited

Malaysia Datacentres
Piradius Datacentre

Singapore Datacentres
Singtel Datacentre
Qala Datacentre

USA Datacentres

Convergent Network Services

Europe Datacentres
TelecityGroup - The Netherlands
BlueSquare - UK
intergenia - Germany
I've got to place a vote for Softlayer. I've been with a few places over the years and they just won me over for all my new nodes.
i have servers from USA
from israel and from france
i had servers from NL/UK

the only name that i can think of when im trying to think of the best
is OVH they are outstanding!
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