Which forum script ??


New member
Hello friends,
Which forum script you like the most and why ? IPB, phpBB, vBulletin, SMF etc ?

I like vBulletin in paid scripts. It provide a very wide range of features. There are alot of mods and skins also present for it.

In free scripts, I like SMF because it has much more good features than PhpBB, however PhpBB is good than SMF in skins competition.

I use 3 different forums all paid,

vBulletin ( on two sites )
Invision ( one site )
Burning Board 2.3.3 ( one site )

I also use phbb on a site I run for free forum hosting with a moded hack so members can signup free to run their own forums.

vBulletin has the most features, however I think each one has their own little bits that make them different depending what you require from a message forum.

Kind Regards

i honestly prefer Invision power Board, But i think i would use VB for a Webhosting Community if i decided to create one
If we are talking about the PHP scripts, I would say vBulletin. It seems a lot easier to moderate / administrate the forums.
lcryan said:
you oviously have not administered a vbulletin forum
thats a very strange comment to make! Actually I have and IPB and many others.

SMF = Free and gets my vote. I say RC2 because it looks much better and has better install and updating packaging for mods and addons than probably any other board.

If I was to want to pay for a forum I would probably choose VB.
I currently use phpbb but going to purchase VB here in the next month or so. Now I just need to find a coder/designer to make how we want it!
Frattay your post points up the feature of vb that keeps me staying away. If it's so simple to use, why do you need a custom coder to execute its installation?

for all its faults phpbb installs very quickly with standardization that allows for very quick individuation once you know the style sheets.
Go with vbulletin and save yourself some problems down the line. If you are building a serious forum you want one that will be backed by a team of developers who will constantly be updating the script and fixing the bugs.
I agree, vB is good for people who are serious about developing their site. For budget site, I would go for phpBB.
I use two of the paid scripts, IPB on one site, and vbulletin on another. Both have the good points, both have a lot of features and both have lots of modifications and skins available.

I also use phpbb for mywebhosting company forums because it was the quickest and easiest to skin :p

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