Which SSL certificate to purchase?


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Converting the forum to https secured pages will be an essential step in the upcoming software upgrade.

Which SSL certificate should we purchase for HostingDiscussion?
If you're looking for something cheap and reliable I suggest Comodo Positive SSL, if cost is not that important to you consider GeoTrust. Also I'd suggest buying it from your hosting provider rather then directly from company.
GetoTrust works just fine without an issue, even a GoDaddy cert works fine.

The only time you really get into differences is when you start getting the Extended Verification (EV SSL) involved.

Beyond that, a standard GeoTrust is what we use for most of our clients.

Check out RapidSSL also - you can get those down in the $15/year range. It's a no-frills encryption.
Comodo positive SSL is best. They are cheap and best.
There is some other choice can be.
1. GoDaddy Standard SSL
2. Rapid SSL
Converting the forum to https secured pages will be an essential step in the upcoming software upgrade.

Which SSL certificate should we purchase for HostingDiscussion?

Hi i recommend you install Free ssl Let's Encrypt , also you can install bash script for renew this ssl in auto

There some command's for Centos

apt-get install git

git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt

cd /opt/letsencrypt

./letsencrypt-auto --apache -d hostingdiscussion.com -d www.hostingdiscussion.com

enter all answer's , and you will have your files here /etc/letsencrypt/live

Then download update file

curl -L -o /usr/local/sbin/le-renew http://do.co/le-renew

chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/le-renew

le-renew hostingdiscussion.com - > for testing

and add to cron

30 2 * * 1 /usr/local/sbin/le-renew hostingdiscussion.com >> /var/log/le-renew.log

Thant's all.

But if you want pay for it , then best is Comodo
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Hi i recommend you install Free ssl Let's Encrypt , also you can install bash script for renew this ssl in auto


But if you want pay for it , then best is Comodo

That is a good idea, as well. On one hand, having a free SSL running and renewing automatically is awesome. On the other hand, we still don't quite know the effect it has on SEO, if at all.

Paying for a certificate isn't an issue at all, might actually be more of a headache-free solution knowing that you are protected for the whole year, just in case the renewal script fails. :D
Your welcome.
About seo, someone from seo forum say us that position can down for some time. Google need time for change his rating and move from http to https.

But you must recheck this information and consult with seo master who do it some month ago and have more practice.
Hi i recommend you install Free ssl Let's Encrypt , also you can install bash script for renew this ssl in auto

There some command's for Centos

apt-get install git

git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt

cd /opt/letsencrypt

./letsencrypt-auto --apache -d hostingdiscussion.com -d www.hostingdiscussion.com

enter all answer's , and you will have your files here /etc/letsencrypt/live

Then download update file

curl -L -o /usr/local/sbin/le-renew http://do.co/le-renew

chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/le-renew

le-renew hostingdiscussion.com - > for testing

and add to cron

30 2 * * 1 /usr/local/sbin/le-renew hostingdiscussion.com >> /var/log/le-renew.log

Thant's all.

But if you want pay for it , then best is Comodo

If you have your own server and running cPanel/WHM 60 or above then you dont need this as cPanel have their own Auto SSL which is free and autorenews which you can activate in Home »SSL/TLS »Manage AutoSSL
I think that cPanel SSL effectively lets you choose between a Comodo cert and Let's encrypt. If you don't want any special extended validation then going with the cheap or free ones probably isn't the worst option.
I think that cPanel SSL effectively lets you choose between a Comodo cert and Let's encrypt. If you don't want any special extended validation then going with the cheap or free ones probably isn't the worst option.

it does not let you chose

In your root WHM you goto Home »SSL/TLS and chose Manage AutoSSL
you then chose the option to run AutoSSL for all users and then cPanel will auto install SSL certs on all accounts on the server that does not already have an SSL certificate.
I recommend COMODO, and you can get the one that suits your needs.
If it's only for the forum, i recommend COMODO EssentialSSL.
All SSL's are equal in terms of protection.
The only difference is OV/EV, really. Even then it's purely cosmetic.

Not really as with OV and EV you have to go through various professional checks before being allowed to use the SSL.

with DV different levels of assurance are provided and that is why the different prices ranges

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