WHMCS Expensive

I think you can draw more customers with WHMCS. So because of that your business will be more successful I think. I had tried free billing systems in the past, but when I changed to WHMCS my customers were happier.
Those licenses are nulled you need to check backdoor, I recently met the WebPros team in Bangkok they are building an Echo System in the Hosting industry from ControlPanel to Server Monitoring and who knows they will provide you support service as well.

We are getting Blesta customised for our solution because WHMCS cost is high
If you get enough clients then license fees is not issue. But if you are thinking of $19 monthly costly then surely hosting business is not for you. There are lot many more are required like control panel, security packs, backup softwires, hardware, management etc.
Laslty transfer the costs over to your clients reasonably, again If you want to soften that blow add some extra value, extra space or whatever.

Everything goes up in price, bread, milk instalments it shouldn't be a shocker for them. Some will leave, but most wont and ill pay the higher rate making up for those who left.
Exactly. i dread doing the weekly shop as everything going up at alarming rates.
if you offer excellent service and support then you will find customers will pay any reasonable increase..

Just remember, don't just hit them with an increase. inform your clients approx. 14 days before any increase, and explain to them why you have to increase your prices as the more open you are with clients the more they respect you and will stay with you.
Clients respect honesty more than anything. If you are willing to explain what is going on, why you need to do it, and how it will continue their great service, more than likely they will stay and happily pay the increase.

$19 a month is a lot but when you consider you are trying to create a business, its not. $19 for a billing panel that has been proven to be one of the best is a deal. In addition, the vast majority of web hosting clients out there are used to whmcs so having a host with it is another selling point. Having to learn a new billing system, find out how to submit help can deter people. Something to consider.
Looks like WHMCS are up'ing their prices next year too:
PlusUp to 250 clients$24.95/mo.
ProfessionalUp to 500 clients$39.95/mo.
Includes Live Chat Technical Support and access to Priority Support
Business 1,000
Up to 1,000 clients
Business 2,500
Up to 2,500 clients
Business 5,000
Up to 5,000 clients
Business 10,000
Up to 10,000 clients
Business 20,000
Up to 20,000 clients
Business 30,000
Up to 30,000 clients
Business 50,000
Up to 50,000 clients
Business 100,000
Up to 100,000 clients
Business Unlimited$1,649.95/mo.

Found this from: https://assets.whmcs.com/customer-licensing-guide-2024.pdf

Going to be interesting to see how long they keep this up.
After having some time to think about, the price is still good. And it's not WHMCS, it is cPanel raising the price lol cPanel wants more money. However, as I said the price is still good. Consider the average host price for shared hosting of $5 per month. $5 x 250 clients is $1,250 per month. Let us say your monthly expenses (For new hosts) are $50-$300 per month. So $25 per month is nothing.
After having some time to think about, the price is still good. And it's not WHMCS, it is cPanel raising the price lol cPanel wants more money. However, as I said the price is still good. Consider the average host price for shared hosting of $5 per month. $5 x 250 clients is $1,250 per month. Let us say your monthly expenses (For new hosts) are $50-$300 per month. So $25 per month is nothing.
Cpanel is definitely a part of it.

I've seen a lot of small and large hosting providers revamp their entire systems to use Plesk and direct admin.

Here in RSA there is definitely a move away from it.

With the Rand Dollar exchange rate being 19.33 / 1 a few dollars can quickly become an ugly number for clients to look at.
I wonder if WHMCS will suffer in the long run. Will they lose a lot of clients or will people say screw it and just pay the price. I do believe that whmcs lost its friendly atmostphere and community. Its about money now instead of helping others.
After having some time to think about, the price is still good. And it's not WHMCS, it is cPanel raising the price lol cPanel wants more money. However, as I said the price is still good. Consider the average host price for shared hosting of $5 per month. $5 x 250 clients is $1,250 per month. Let us say your monthly expenses (For new hosts) are $50-$300 per month. So $25 per month is nothing.
cPanel, WHMCS, Plesk are all under the umbrella of WebPros which owns SolusVM etc as-well.
WHMCS work well though! They do own the market.
Yes, WHMCS does indeed perform well and dominates the market. However, for me, using other options presents challenges in terms of providing support and managing orders through a different billing system.

What exactly do you mean by shared whmcs?
Probably he is referring to hosted WHMCS. I tested both Blesta and ClientExec and both are with at least 10 years back to WHMCS. I am not a WHMCS fan, but for the moment there is no other alternatives for WHMCS, I meant the quality. HostBill was always just waste of money. I cannot trust a provider who is asking for a ticket $75.

WHMCS and cPanel will keep raising prices.

We're currently using Blesta, while it lacks a lot of features, it's still decent enough for our use case.

We're saving $374.95/mo, and we bought our lifetime license at about 300 USD many years back for a one time fee..

At WHMCS's current pricing, even HostBill looks like a much cheaper alternative..

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