WHMCS Ticket System or Kayako?


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What do you guys use, WHMCS ticket system or you integrate kayako into WHMCS. Right now i am using WHMCS ticket system, not really loving it, but it does the job.
What don't you like about WHMCS?

I said it does the job, but sometimes one of my employees assigns the ticket to me and than the ticket gets set as closed. Or When someone answers a ticket saying "Wait for an admin reply" and then he assigns it to me it still gets set as answered and not opened. I was also wondering why people do that just use Kayako integrated with WHMCS?

WHMCS ticket system is better than others like webfreak08 asked what is not fine in the WHMCS ticket system, It is single CP for all the hosting process, If you use the WHMCS as your billing software then there is no match to WHMCS ticket system
With regards to employees assigning to admins and the ticket being marked as closed - this was something we faced here, but it's pretty easy to set the status of the ticket under the OPTIONS area.

Rather than our employees assigning to other employees they are only allowed to assign to themselves if they're working on something specific (or a scheduled site move). Once the task is completed, that flag is removed, so that if a customer responds all users see the ticket again.

We also created a seperate user for ADMINS, and ALL users are allowed to see tickets assigned to other employees. This allows staff to make sure that other staff are on the ball (or can assist as needed).

With regards to tickets closing without replies - that's just poor management. Remove the AUTO close setting in the automation section - or set it to close after 150 hours of no replies. Honestly if an issue is not resolved in 150 hours, you've got bigger problems than a ticket closing - you've got people not doing their job!

I can understand that the ticket gets set to ANSWERED - you just have to teach your staff how to reply to such things. If they don't adhere to the rules, you write them up and then later terminate should the issue become pressing. I've never had an employee NOT understand processses and procedures.

The other option is to tell those staff members NOT to answer the ticket. if they can't answer it, don't touch it - let someone else do it. Then use the Rules Escallation process and use that to notify admins or senior staff.

Kayako is nice, but it had ZERO integration with WHMCS for a long time - too long. Sure it works now, but what about the 1.5 years where it didn't work! ;)

To each their own really - I much prefer keeping things within WHMCS - ease of use and easy to track. I stil have my licenses here for Kayako - just don't use them.
My offer is to use WHMCS for billing
Kayako for support, tickets. It is easier to modificate too (you can see our kayako modification in support page)
I assume you need to use both of them. They are designed for the different purposes and should be used in different ways
I've used alot of helpdesk programs and I think WHMcs is by far the best. Keep in mind it's much easier for the end-user even if it can be a pain for you. The end-user is what matters in the end. Best of luck!
I have them both. In my opinion and experience..WHMCS is nowhere near the helpdesk kayako is..but is a very able billing/order management system.

Try them both.

I like Kayako's LiveResponse system for live chat but I think WHMCS works fine for ticketing. Kayako's ticketing system is almost too extensive, I felt like I was developing obsessive compulsive disorder just looking through the options.

We use both - WHMCS and Kayako...WHMCS for billing purpose and Kayako for Technical Support- Like dave said, LiveResponse is kayako best features which whmcs does not have...
I personally hate chat. However..in certain cases I will provide it if I must. Live response is the only way to fly.

The other chat programs not only look clunky..but they sometimes behave badly. I'm not saying liveresponse is perfect..but it is a way to show your customers you are a serious host..and not a joke.

We use Kayako for our ticket system, and WHMCS for billing.

I've never been a major fan of WHMCS' ticket system, just prefer Kayako I guess.
I do not have experience with WHMCS however we have used kayako's products before and i have nothing negative to say about them.
We've used both, but to be honest I prefer the default WHMCS system Kayako is rather expencive and at the end of the day it does the same thing for the most part. Would I swap over to eSupport? Probably not without having a good reason.
WHMCS for now. I just love the way it integrates with everything. If it's not broken why fix it right?

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