Who Uses MaxMind?


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I just started using MaxMind and so far its been stopping quite a lot of signups. I guess this is good, just hope I'm not loosing out on real customers. Right now I have it set to reject fraud above 2.33. What settings is everyone else using?
Would it not be better if you were able to set all the filters after your own needs? so that you can make sure that you get the correct result for your business?
We just started using MaxMind recently and have caught a couple fraud orders. Actually, it makes me wonder how many orders could have been fraud before now. Guess untill more people keep track of they're finances we won't know.

It's sad really, on one hand its far past any refund policy and on the other hand phone verification is such a pestering thing.
We've been using MaxMind from the start, and it has been effective, however you want to be ready to help those that are sincere customers and are getting flagged as fraud, usually they will contact you and let you know it is a real order.
We've been using Maxmind for some time now. It has done wonders for stopping fraud orders. You do have to tweak the setting, or you could possibly block a legitimate customer.
This is especially important for dedicated server signups, you don't want fraud orders for those.
We've been using Maxmind for awhile. It helps with filtering out the fraudulent orders most of the time. The ones that do slip through the cracks are legit orders, just spammers. It's surprising how many people signup with their real information and then start spamming. :disagree:
What settings do you guys run on MaxMind? Block mismatches? Make calls over 5? Block orders over 7? :) It would be interesting to share thoughts on the best settings.
I use it on all my websites that require payment and is doing a great job but sometime is blocking non fraudulent orders.

I also use their phone verification system but sometime people enter wrong phone number or they enter company phone when they are at home and they can't answer so they are marked as fraudulent so a lot of them are not interested in continue the order.

But the percent of potential good orders is lower than the fraudulent orders.

I think if i count all the fraudulent orders blocked until now it will result a big amount of :twocents::twocents::twocents:
MaxMind is good, but 2.33 is to strict. We have it at 4 and its doing good.

Anyways, it doesn't stop the real scammers. And, there are points where it goes to errror.

Like with WHMCS, and MaxMind, when client signs up, enters phone number, if its entered wrong, of course it won't work.


1.8881110001 (wrong way because of decimal)

The bad part is, it cancels the order completely, which is a problem with us right now.
I use Maxmind miniFraud for free from WHMCS. I have my regular fraud setting set at 4.00 and my phone check verification set at 3.00. I think that Maxmind is a pretty good anti fraud software but it's still highly recommended to manually verify as Maxmind doesn't catch everything.
We use maxmind and we have been really happy with it. Just set your orders to non automatic manual acceptance and then you can decide on the response that maxmind gives you

It is a seemless integration with whmcs and i would recommend it thoroughly, we are still reeling from a 250 bill from paypal for many fraudulent transactions!

Dont learn the hard way use maxmind. I heard the telephone verification was rubbish though!
I dont use it. Orders over 50$ are flagged and watched. We require 7 days before their account is approved to prevent fruad. Thats how I do things :)

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