Will google lunch its hosting service??

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As the hot shot google has anounced his gmail and every one has seen the AFTER EFFECT :) yahoo went on 100 MB and and hotmail also on the run to improve his services. JUST AS Gmail if google started his web hosting services what do you think will be colour of the sky of Hosting world. i just wonder if they start free web hostings with there adsense add placed on it and the comission will goto to the free hosting user- WONT BE THAT A BIG BREAK- get a free hosting a earn from your free hosted site.....
what do you think the hosting will look like

Why would it look any different than it does now?

There are hundreds of sources for free hosting out there. Non of them are particularly impressive, but that's what some people do and always will go for.

If they launch it they launch it. I'm not concerned.
Well, surprisingly, if you are good at searching or e-mail business, it does not necessarily mean you are going to be good at hosting.

Google theoretically speaking can launch ANY service to broaden their base, be it hosting, insurance service or selling hybrid cars, but they don't - their goal is to be the best at searching and they tend not to lose focus from this.

Btw, we haven't really seen the AFTER effect of gmail yet. After all the good names are taken, I don't see public still jumping to their service as they do on hotmail or yahoo accounts.

I highly doubt they will launch it, as their main plan is to be the best search engine, they said they dont want to become like yahoo or anything else like that.
I think if they offered premium hosting it would effect some businesses.
Many small businesses would go with someone that is known, even if their hosting is the worst in the world.
Just look at how many people still go with CI Host....
People with signup with a big name even if they could find better somewhere else, this is of course not taking the cost of hosting into the equation.

I know people went with Yahoo hosting just because they are a big company, nothing to do with how their hosting services are.

I think the same would apply to google.
I think google would do a decent job at it and not have the ads be so overpowering compared to the actual page they're on.

I doubt they would start doing web hosting any time soon though; it just doesn't sound like something they'd do right now.
they have plenty of this to worry about and their return is just great. you know how does company are just greedy.... who knows.. hehe
they could do it, but i doubt they would as it would dilute the quality of their advertising, at the moment they have some of the industries highest roi why dilute that with millions of 'free' webpages.
It would be interesting to see Google launch a paid hosting service. I wonder how much of the hosting market clients they would steal.
mjzhosting said:
It would be interesting to see Google launch a paid hosting service. I wonder how much of the hosting market clients they would steal.

I guess google has it's share holders to think about.
I guess google has it's share holders to think about.
I'm sure it does! :) Does that mean you think they will start a hosting branch? Or... not?

Offtopic: Welcome to HD resellernexus! It is very nice to have a "Nexus" representative on this board.

May we know the name of the person behind the resellernexus nickname?
They definitely have enough money to enter whatever market they wish. If they did do hosting it would probably fizzle out after the first 6 months. Look at Dell host and other big companies that tried to do hosting.
It is the first time I read about Google launching web hosting services. There has been no official press release from Google (that I am aware of) and no other mention on Slashdot about it. Are you guys sure this is the case?
ARTzWeb.net said:
It is the first time I read about Google launching web hosting services. There has been no official press release from Google (that I am aware of) and no other mention on Slashdot about it. Are you guys sure this is the case?
People here are just wondering "What If..." We don't know if they are going to launch web hosting services or not. :)

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