Windows Reseller Hosting


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Who do you think is the best? Best service? Best plans? I'm with Mochahost and not happy with their support turn around time. Plus some of my Wordpress sites have gone down and they blame it on Plesk. I think it's something on their end and they want me to move to WebsitePanel. I like the Plesk interface. Suggestions?

Price is a secondary part if the quality of the service provider is upto the mark. Secondly, Support is an essential part for any customer. Almost all the hosting companies provide free support to their customers.
Hello DJ Smith,

What service/product do you currently have with Mochahost so members here can provide you with accurate feedback. Shared, Reseller, VPS, Dedicated etc. Until we know what type of service you have we can't provide you with accurate information.

If you're not happy with your providers support and response time and feel it's having a negative impact on your business then it is certainly time to look for a new provider that will be able to accommodate your needs and requirements best.

Looking forward to a reply.

Best Regards,
Unlimited resellers

Windows reseller hosting packages requires huge space, BW and lot of feature to rely on it. The reliability of the Windows reseller hosting providers comes with years of experience in the hosting industry and the number of reseller accounts they hold. Currently, due to the healthier competition in the industry the windows reseller hosting packages are offered much affordable cheap prices.
Who do you think is the best? Best service? Best plans? I'm with Mochahost and not happy with their support turn around time. Plus some of my Wordpress sites have gone down and they blame it on Plesk. I think it's something on their end and they want me to move to WebsitePanel. I like the Plesk interface. Suggestions?

The best service and plans? Depends on your requirements - obviously you like Plesk, so that narrows the field some. Can't really recommend anyone without knowing more about your operations and budget.
Plesk is no doubt the best panel for Windows, so it is very strange to have such reply from a host. Best service should also be given priority because it is the main part of this hosting business.
My advice! STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS HOSTING AND ESPECIALLY PLESK! Windows is nowhere near as stable or fast as linux.
Windows is plagued with memory leaks.
Windows will break frequently.
Plesk is database driven eye candy.
Please puts a very high demand on your database.
Plesk doesn't sign out users properly and will lock down.

If you don't have to have windows stay away from it!

Bill can kiss my rear!

As much as your hatred goes for Windows, I don't really think it is right to be saying what you are saying.

1. Windows will break frequently? How did you deduce that?
2. Plesk will lockdown? How? I've not see it happening yet. Mind explaining?

If you're so harsh towards Windows, then can you tell me how you are suppose to host an ASP.NET Application? Can linux do that?
Who do you think is the best? Best service? Best plans? I'm with Mochahost and not happy with their support turn around time. Plus some of my Wordpress sites have gone down and they blame it on Plesk. I think it's something on their end and they want me to move to WebsitePanel. I like the Plesk interface. Suggestions?


Hi DJ,

There's no such thing called as BEST in the Web Hosting industry. You will see companies which is good but you won't see a "BEST" anywhere at all.

I'm not too sure about Mochahost but if your WP is down, then they should check why is it down. Blaming it on a Control Panel is totally NOT the correct thing to do. How could/should PLESK be blamed for this?

I could see a reason why they want to move to WebSitePanel(WSP). PLESK costs money while WSP does not. So that's 1 easy reason why they would want to move. As much as you like it, I have to not like it at the same time. They are crazy on the use of AJAX. Everything seems to be so erm... overly animated. LOL
We can say, Good service should always be given priority over price. One should also do not look for the best offering plans, just go with a good service provider whose plans are sufficient enough to fulfill your needs.

Best tool to test a host's service is money back guarantee, with it you can check your host very calmly about their up time, speed and quality.
No doubt, there are many web hosting providers available in the market that can be suitable for reselling..
Choose time-tested and trusted brand - Google search will be helpful.
Who do you think is the best? Best service? Best plans? I'm with Mochahost and not happy with their support turn around time. Plus some of my Wordpress sites have gone down and they blame it on Plesk. I think it's something on their end and they want me to move to WebsitePanel. I like the Plesk interface. Suggestions?


Wordpress is a application which is provided by every Web Hosting Provider. As you are facing support issues with your current hosts, you must look for a Reliable Host. As you might know that a Reliable host offers a 24X7 Technical support. So you can check their level of management by initiating a Live chat, call them or mail them in Midnight or in weekends. If you get a positive reply from them, you can consider them as reliable and opt for their hosting services. You must also check their SLA and TOS before signing up. You can even check their reviews on various forums and if they are having their own forums, you can check how many clients are satisfied with their services and what are the issues which the existing clients are facing.
You better check out some of the windows reselling plans of **********. I am hosting with them,they are reliable and offers 24*7 customer support.
You better check out some of the windows reselling plans of **********. I am hosting with them,they are reliable and offers 24*7 customer support.

Do you mind sharing the URL that you are hosting with them? Just askin' for validation purposes.

If your business is entirely based on the internet, then due to increased demand, you will need a bigger website. The same goes for a web designer, as once you design a website properly, the demand increases and the need for a bigger website becomes inevitable. You need to save time while you set up a new project, and for this purpose, you need a flexible and an affordable web hosting plan. A windows reseller hosting package would be a good solution to all these problems which you may confront.

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