Windows Vista


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Does anyone here using Windows Vista? What are their features? How does it works? Glad to hear your knowledge about it.
Really? I was curious about it becuase one of my friend told me to shift to MSVista. Anyway thanks for your suggestion. Definitely I can't afford it and don't have a high capacitated PC.
It depends on which version of Vista you are wanting. You can check out the requirement for each solution. I have thought about installing it but I try to steer clear of the word BETA from any software.
Well since it has not even been released yet, I would not recommend it until them. I think the RTM is sometime in January, maybe even late December
I don't have any intention to upgrade to Windows Vista for a while... and I'm sure most organizations won't either :).
I'm only intended to try upgrading my personal PC at home, not my PC in my internet cafe. I'm sure I can't meet the requirements with my I-cafe PC. But anyway if it doesn't work good I will switch back to my Windows XP OS.
I don't have any intention to upgrade to Windows Vista for a while... and I'm sure most organizations won't either :).

Most organizations are still very pleased with windows 2000 (I even know some with W98SE) :p
Migrating a company with 400 workstations, is not you want to do every year. So you wait untill you cannot wait any longer, and then you spend your bucks on migrating all applications to the new OS (which always is a disaster :rolleyes: )
I have run the BETA from when it was first released on a virtual workstation, and since the Release Candidate was released, I use it on my main Home PC.

I am very pleased with Vista; it's much neater than XP, though I can't say if there are many other reasons it will be useful...

I shall probably upgrade when it is first released.
Vista is out now and it looks great I have seen a few demos online but I have not used it yet. I was thinking about upgrading to iut but I am going to be getting a new computer in a few months so now I just think that I am going to wait.
Hello aima123,
Microsoft just launched the new Windows Vista and heard some good and bad things about it. It looks like to me they copied almost all of Mac's interface but I do like their alt tab glass scrolly feature. I will wait a while till they fix all the bugs because it runs slow with gaming and isnt the safest OS to run.
Hello aima123,
Microsoft just launched the new Windows Vista and heard some good and bad things about it. It looks like to me they copied almost all of Mac's interface but I do like their alt tab glass scrolly feature. I will wait a while till they fix all the bugs because it runs slow with gaming and isnt the safest OS to run.

Thanks for the information anger. Wow I have to wait to 'till they can 100% accomplish it because I need to have it to play games smoothly.
I know this is an old thread but figured I would post my experience.

I literally just switched to Vista for the first time yesterday when I got a new PC at the office. It runs smooth enough. I believe my PC has 1GB RAM and I have no idea what processor. I just ordered the first thing I saw :)

The things that bug me are finding settings in Vista take longer and more mouse clicks followed by the "are you sure" type button where you have to confirm everything you do. With that annoyance aside I think it's not too bad.

I will say that I got it to Bluescreen with in the first hour of using it though... but I had installed some old software on it.

Edit: I forgot to mention I work in the IT dept so decided I best get a Vista machine for when/if the company approves is for company use. At least I will then be able to help people on it.
I can see the value of using it for someone like yourself. But for the rest of us-bleh! I had it on a brand new laptop, 2GB RAM, graphics card that was the best option of the approved ones, not just 'will do' card. And the machine ran like treacle.

It was slow, hung often, blue screened. The 'are you sure?' just drove me potty-you should be able to tell them no permanently. I went back to XP after six weeks of not being able to install my drivers, or needed software.
Ive heard there are alot of problems with stuff like that with vista.
but ive heard more people say how good it is.
you can turn off the parts you dont like afaik,

but in all honesty i wont be switching from XP pro untill i see that it is 100% stable and able to deliver what people want.
either that or if the GNU community come up with an OS that you can do everything with.

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