[YesUpHost] 1 Year Anniversary Sale >> Free 10TB Bandwidth Upgrade<<


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YesUphost celebrate its 1 Year Anniversary by offering a FREE LIFETIME 10TB BANDWIDTH UPGRADE on any server order! With the standard 10TB Bandwidth, double it with 20TB Bandwidth with no extra charge!

Email us at info@yesuphost.com about this offer and we'll setup the server for you within minutes!

Intel Core i3 – 2100
8GB of RAM
500GB HD
20TB Bandwidth

Monthly Plan: $89.00/month
Intel Xeon E3 – 1220V2
8GB of RAM
500GB HD
20TB Bandwidth

Monthly Plan: $129.00/month
Intel Xeon E3 – 1230V2
8GB of RAM
500GB HD
20TB Bandwidth

Monthly Plan: $149.00/month
Intel Xeon E3 – 1240V2
8GB of RAM
500GB HD
20TB Bandwidth

Monthly Plan: $169.00/month

For Terms & Conditions, please visit http://blog.yesuphost.com/yesuphost-1-year-anniversary-giveaway/