Your favourite Shopping cart software?


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What shopping cart software are you comfortable and prefer using?
there are some many open source and free ware softwares in the market,which one do you like.
in Free? and Paid?
Personally, my favorite is X-Cart Gold. Paid product in the $200 price range. I've been using Magento a lot recently and like it and also InterSpire (new cart on the market but expensive - $1500+). It has all the featues you'd ever need.

Having used X-Cart since 1999 myself, I know it inside and out, and since it's a open source, I've had programmers modify the system to do extra things that I needed (like integrate an API to Comodo's SSL for automatic purchase and delivery of SSL Certs. We no longer use that system here as we had programmers write API for WHMCS, but for 2 years we used the X-Cart Module and it was perfect.
There are many good shopping carts, all of which have been named already. Depending on what you are adding to your site you could use something as simple as Paypal's cart, Google Checkout, or even Zencart. The best cart for your site won't be the same as the best cart for someone else. Figure out your requirements, then decide which is best for you.
I code alot of joomla sites and I am a fan of virtuemart as a result, especially with the new totally revamped version just about to come out.
I will recommend x-cart as well. Most of our clients are using x-cart because of its simplicity. It is very easy to use. We do not have to coach them on how to use it.
OsCommerce and ZenCart are great choices though I used to use Drupal + a shopping cart plugin. It was a great combination as drupal is very easy to customize.
I'm not sure. I haven't worked with cart software in a while. I've got a family member who needs a cart and blog all in one, but I'm not sure what to recommend her..?
Zen Cart gets my vote

I have used oscommerce, and the development stalled for a few years, I found Zen Cart, which is a spin off of OSC, But there are way more features and the development is very up to date and progressive.

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