.:: Your opion on a NEW hosting company ::.


New member
Hello Viewers,

I’m writing on behalf of CRNetwork Central, a new webhosting company that is soon to open on October 10th 2010. Our main site and hosting software is still under construction, but is close to being finalized in a few months.

It would be highly appreciated if you could visit our site and review our hosting plans and the site itself, to provide constructive criticism. Our company is very competitive and aims to be in the top 10 hosting companies for Australia.

URL: http://crnetwork.com.au/store
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all your plans are images. i would change that.

the compare page is just a bunch of massive images stacked on top of each other. not sure how one can compare. it would help if data was presented in tabular format.

about packages.. i would give at least 10:1 band:space.. and mysql limits are petty.. oh but all your packages are on windows? hmm.. not looking anywhere near top 10 to me.

one more note..

Nameserver records returned by the parent servers are:

ns1.crnetwork.com.au. [''] [TTL=14400]
ns2.crnetwork.com.au. [''] [TTL=14400]

really, really pathetic for a hosting "company"
Site is designed very well. :)
I realized the site is slow as I clicked on Starter plan and stuck there for long time to load the page.
You stated that "99.8% run time guarantee" , something different as generally it is stated to 99.9%, wow!! ;)
"Cheap domains starting from $19" Is it really cheap? :confused:
Good luck to your site ! :D
all your plans are images. i would change that.

the compare page is just a bunch of massive images stacked on top of each other. not sure how one can compare. it would help if data was presented in tabular format.

Yes this is a must. I've found out you have too many plans and no main comparision plan. Try to make some side-to-side.
Also, on your main page, there should be a logo to fit out and make a presence.
Good luck
The your IP address appears to be owned by iiNet (iinet.net.au) for their ADSL network (residential and commercial broadband).

Are you using broadband access for hosting? It would be ok for hosting a couple of sites, but not for a serious hosting company.

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