Zomex embraces WHMCS V7 with instant support available for all templates!



LONDON, UK – October 5, 2016 – Zomex, a professional template provider has just announced full support for the new WHMCS V7.

WHMCS have just officially announced the launch of V7! This new version sees lots of great new features and improvements to the leading software for web hosting resellers. I'm happy to announce that all of our responsive WHMCS templates, Wordpress themes, HTML5 templates, PHP templates & WHMCS modules have been updated with full support for WHMCS V7.

For existing customer's we've also created a update guide for all of our templates & modules.

Commenting on WHMCS V7, chief executive officer of Zomex, Jack Curtis, said:

"WHMCS V7 is set to be the biggest update of all time with much preparation put in by WHMCS staff to ensure it's huge. We've put this same level of focus and attention into updating all our templates to add full feature support for V7."

Full story: Zomex.com templates support WHMCS V7


About Zomex

Based in the UK, Zomex has successfully helped hundreds of customers from across the world with a variety of services to help them start their web hosting business – including templates, web design and WHMCS configuration.

What sets Zomex apart from the competition is its knowledge of the web hosting market, ensuring advice and guidance is of the highest quality.

For more information, go to www.zomex.com