Recent content by LT Smash

  1. L

    How to Transfer a Website?

    I am also looking into buying and selling or making and selling websites. I was wanting to know how does one transfer the website from one host to another? It is something I have been interested in for awhile.
  2. L

    Do you use Fantastico?

    As a client, do you use Fantastico's plethora of scripts on your website? I usually use Wordpress for a main page and PHPBB for a forum. What do you use if any?
  3. L

    How do you set yourself apart from other hosts?

    Ever since I have joined, I have really been thinking about purchasing a Reseller package and making my own hosting site. The problem is, it seems like most hosts out there basically the same, with only differences in prices and amount of space and storage, how could I set myself apart?
  4. L

    Finding Domains For Good Profit

    I remember a long time ago, there was a website where you could find domains that were expiring soon. It seems like this was a good tool for finding profitable domain names. Besides using this website, which I can't seem to remember, and just searching through available names, how do you find...
  5. L

    Starting Out

    I have been a faithful customer off and on to my current hosting company for almost a year now. All I have is a basic hosting package. I am kind of interested in a reseller package, mainly for my personal use, not for profit. Any tips or suggestions for a new guy starting out on resellers?