Alexa Toolbar on your browser


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Do you have Alexa Toolbar on your browser? I have it and I heard that it is a good way of improving your website's rank on Alexa. Not sure how it works though.
The Alexa toolbar is a great myth possibly spread by the company itself, who knows... I never believed that a toolbar will improve your rankings. Think of it logically, how does an installation of it on your local machine will make a difference for the hundreds of millions of other computer users around the world? :)

If you are looking to gain better rankings, you have to follow the social road and get on every popular social network, including Google Plus. Actually, especially Google Plus now that they are integrating the results of it in the search engine.
I've never paid much attention to Alexa rank and certainly don't think installing the toolbar is worth it! Toolbars are a bit of a dated feature now IMO anyway.
Alexa Toolbar doesn't necessarily give you a leg up on the competition with regards to improving rank, but it does let you see where other geeks are spending their time. It's designed to track where people are going on the web and then rate/rank that accordingly. If you have it on your browser, and you constantly visit your site, it would show rank improvement (in their listing) as the page is being loaded "X" number of times in a day. Is it a true measure of how the web reacts to your site? Not really, especailly if you're just reloading the page :)
If you have it on your browser, and you constantly visit your site, it would show rank improvement (in their listing) as the page is being loaded "X" number of times in a day.

Thanks for the enlightening explanation. I think that is how it works.
Similar to the others, I don't really care about Alexa traffic rank either. But many advertisers and ad companies do.
I really don't think having the Alexa toolbar will improve your rankings anymore than having any other toolbar. Think about how many toolbars there are out there. To me it's simply a way for these sites to publicize their websites.
Being cynical, releasing a rumour that the toolbar increases your website's Alexa rank would be a very clever marketing technique to get people installing the toolbar...
I've never believed the toolbar rubbish, maybe it works maybe it doesn't...I don't think its worth having an ugly toolbar installed.
Just having alexa toolbar installed in you browser has nothing to do with your website's alexa ranking. You just need it to analyze rankings of the website you browse through your browser.
Just having alexa toolbar installed in you browser has nothing to do with your website's alexa ranking. You just need it to analyze rankings of the website you browse through your browser.


The way Alexa gets their rankings is based upon the people that have the toolbar installed on their browsers (and some other methods). Given that the toolbar is what reports back to Alexa, if you have enough people with the toolbar visit your website, then your ranking increases.

Does it mean anything on the web? Not much - just bragging rights if your purpose was manipulating the results. If you were not manipulating results, it can provide a little impact to potential advertisers.
I relate the Alexa toolbar to Polls - it's good for showing trends, plus or minus percentage points. It does show other stats that interest me as well though, like my competitors back links and entrance/exit paths. It's just one piece of the bigger SEO picture. :)
Does alexa helps in seo?

No, it is never related to search engine optimization.

If I install alexa then will my site rank increase?

Yes, your alexa rank will increase if you get installed alexa toolbar on your browser. Visit as may times as possible, refresh the page, tell your friends to install and visit. You will see the difference in alexa rank in a day or two.

Whats the benefit of alexa rank?

when you will visit alexa site to know ranking of your website you will feel happy to see the rank nothing else.

Do advertisers see alexa rank for advertisement?

Yes, the problem is not much people are aware of how it works. So they believe the rank shown in alexa symbolizes traffic that doesn't makes sense in internet marketing world because they are already aware of.

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