Competition 1

Not really, as then the people who have been here longest would win according to that, but I believe the competition has started fresh (not including posts from before)

or does it?
yeah thats right gamescreation.
Only posts etc. startfrom from the data of the competition will be counted in this.
Thats why its just as easy for new members to win as old :)

Ie. someone with 1000 posts before it started as as much chance of winning as someone who had 1 post
Ok say you had 130 posts before the competition started GamesCreation.

You get points when you reach 200 BUT, the 200 doesnt include your 130 before the competition started.

BUT if you made 200 posts from yesterday until the end of the comp, THEN you will get the points :)

So its like everyone is starting from 0 posts from the start of the competition.

hope that helps!
SO john is saying..

If you had 130 posts when the comp. started. in order to get the points for reaching 200 posts. You need to get to 330 posts. So you need to make 200 more not 70.

Does that help?
Yes, thankyou. That has cleared it up. Everything is fair :)

There should be some other ways to get points, like contributing articles, free templates or something, or maybe posting a link to the site on a website you own which gets visitors, then a mod would check the link and give you points if it was valid.
Oooooo i like that idea!!
Maybe I could add in a few more ways of getting points in the next few days ;)
The link one is very good and I like that.

Any other suggestions?
They are very welcome :D
Thanks for that!
What about designing banners that people can use to link to this site? Best banners win more points, but everyone wins a few for submitting?

Do I get any points for coming up with a good idea ;) ?
I bet your good with graphics ha? I would give it a shot but i have no chance at winning.

are you taking about the little 88x31 buttons? or banners?
Me personally. Not really i was alot back when i was younger but i sucked. What am i talking about? I still suck lol.

I have a few good buddies who do though. HScene Mike (username of this board) does alot of graphic work. He makes all the layouts for

he is working on a new awsome layout right now :) we should be putting the new 1 up in about a week :)
I'll have to watch out for that :)

Being a game developer, I havet to be reasonably good at every aspect of computers. I like to know it all, :)

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