Hello There


New member
Hello There, I've been posting a lot on HD recently as WHT Banned me for using "multiple logins" witch i have not done. but yeah this forum seems extremely good and I'm going to be posting regularly now.

So yeah, My name is Louis Lobban I'm the CEO of AroraNetworks. We own several Companies consisting of a Shared/Reseller provider a VPS Provider and a Design/Development Company.

I've been doing hosting for a couple of years now and design since I was 5. :)

I will only run anything up from a Core2Duo, You can ask any one of my hosting buddies and they will guarantee that. I've got a quad Q9300 Server currently with 8gb RAM and a 1TB HDD and also have a Core i5 on the way with the same ram and HDD space as I mentioned above. I run a Pentium D for backups using 4gb RAM and a 500gb HDD.

I've been interested in hosting for years and my first couple of companies have been failures but my newer ones haven't been. I've picked up the AroraNetworks name and don't intend on changing/selling it as i've built up a great Support Team and Tech team so we're not going to break down. I love new technology like for eg I run SolusVM for Nodes and our billing system is moving over to blesta ASAP :)

Well Thats all you need to know for now but if you wish to know anything more please feel free to contact me any time via MSN (Windows Live Messenger) @ louis.lobban@aroranetworks.net :)

- Many Thanks,
A little too honest in your introduction, but why not? :)

Welcome to the forum. I guess don't make the same mistake here and we'll be cool. :D

On a more serious note, thanks for joining and I hope you enjoy your experience. You seem to know what you are doing, so its always a plus to have someone like you around.
Hello There Artashes :D

Well all the mods over there are being really stupid. It's not me thats making multiple accounts. The reason they must have thought this is because I have several friends and they run hosting as well. And of course ive shown them WHT and then they've signed up using my IP. So I can understand but if i was the mod id at least have a talk with the user. Anyway HostingDiscussion seems much better as the mods over here HAVENT gone crazy :L anyway thank you for the positive comment Artashes things like that really boost my moral. :)

- Many Thanks,
Hello There Artashes :D

Well all the mods over there are being really stupid. It's not me thats making multiple accounts. The reason they must have thought this is because I have several friends and they run hosting as well. And of course ive shown them WHT and then they've signed up using my IP. So I can understand but if i was the mod id at least have a talk with the user. Anyway HostingDiscussion seems much better as the mods over here HAVENT gone crazy :L anyway thank you for the positive comment Artashes things like that really boost my moral. :)

- Many Thanks,

I wouldn't go as far as calling them that, after all they run a very tight ship, and the forum is world class.

As far as IPs, how can someone register with the same IP if they are on different machines? Also, potential problems might arise if the account used from same IP as hosting provider starts to recommend/praise the service of that provider. In the virtual world, since no one can verify that, it might be classified as being a shill, hence the violation. That is where their problem might be.

I might be wrong, but that is what we have to deal with from time to time.
As far as IPs, how can someone register with the same IP if they are on different machines?
I took this to mean he showed them WHT and they signed up from his workstation. How else would you explain it? I went through the same drill with WHT when I took over for another employee who no longer works here - registered from the same workstation and IP as he did. He's no longer here, and fortunately, I am.
In that case, of course that can happen. But as I mentioned, there was no way of them to verify that. We are just used to the fact that 99.9% (whatever the large percentage is) of users have unique IP address and when we see matching ones we tend to freak out. :D
Thankyou Henry, And Artashes Steve is right. They were at my house and thats when they signed up but lets stop worrying about other forums as i think this one rocks by far!

- Many Thanks,
Hello Louis and welcome to HD! Follow the rules and enjoy your stay!

Also, don't worry about WHT...They gave me a warning a couple weeks ago for "Mining the member base" when I posted my ad in the employment section..Idiots run that place over there.
MOD NOTE: Post deleted. Cross-posting is not allowed as its already being discussed in another thread.

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