How do you get customers?

New member
There are a lot of ways, but which ways are the most cost effective?

Currently, I own 3 servers, I get outsourced support and have leased licenses, so the monthly costs are high. So how did you do it? And how many is a good number per month for a new host?

Sorry for all of the questions, but I am new to the paid hosting industry.
Hey 4webH, there are many ways to get clients, advertise on forums such as this one, offer your current customers an affiliate program of some sort so they spread the word about your services. List your hosting domain in the hosting directories, target local area business with your business card and maybe a leaflet attached to it. They may not buy from you right away but you will be surprised who will eventually contact you regarding hosting. Those should get you started for now.
Absolutely. I personally beleive in the local markets. As Freckled mentions, a business card w/flyer has worked wonders for me...
I have found that a combination of three approaches works best for me.

1. I actively target local web designers that currently don't seem to offer web hosting either themselves or through a reseller/affiliate program

2. I offer my existing clients a free month for each referral they provide

4. (I'm from Indiana - I don't count so good) My darling wife owns a media planning business and she has put together some VERY targeted off-line advertising plans for me.

The CPC can be effective if you have the upfront money to get started with them. I personally didn't like it even though I did run one on google for 2 weeks and got 2 sales out.

Here is what I did to try it, I signed up and I am cheap so it was $20 a day max:D
Then the first couple of days I wasted money just learning the setup and figuring the best keywords. Then for 2 days I ran the highest amount per click it was like 3.50 per click still on $20 a day and it did get me to the top of the list and I did get 2 sales during those 2 days, then I got cheap again and cut it off. Then I let it run at $20 a day at about 50 cents a click and got nothing not even clicks so as you can see in order to be effective it can really add up. Hope this helps.
Get your name known. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if no one knows about it, no one will buy it. You can't sell a secret.

Get involved in your community - both offline and online. Look into joining your local chamber of commerce. Look into donating some resources to a local school or some other community group. Work at local festivals (does your city have an arts and wine festival? School carnival? Bake sale?)

If you have the money, and you have willing employees, see if they will likewise get involved in their local communities...or if they're already involved, if they're willing to shill for your company while they do so. (pay them something for their time, though, since you are asking them to work for you. This is why I said 'if you have the money'.)

You do want to plan this out carefully, since you don't want a) overexposure; b) burn yourself out; or c) keep doing this if it doesn't get you any returns.

I personally am very leery of CPC campaigns, since people may click to see what you're offering but not have any intention of buying right away. They head off to comparison shop...and then they get sidetracked. I also judge based on my own behavior: I rarely sign up for a service with a company I don't know if a trusted friend or family member hasn't recommended them to me.
I also recommend the local market first. Lower prices for advertising in many cases and less problems with fraudulent clients. Build like an online local community portal; get involved with the Chamber of Commerce; find networking/lead groups. Get a magnetic sign for advertising your business for your car. Use business cards wisely. Flyers put on cars at the grocery store are a great way for advertising, too.

I usually have at least one banner campaign across a large website at a time.......i also depend on word of mouth and community forums for business.

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