how many do you have (personaly)?

hi everyone

is this a competition? becasue is it is im dead last! yup thats right~0 domain names :( :( but i DO have a website just no host yet...or domain name>:-( does anyone wanna buy me a domain name or host me PLEASE?
heh didnt know this thread had been resurrected.
Im probably now around 300 for personal / company related domains.
I'm currently at 7 with 0 developed LOL. When I see one I like I buy it, but never have any time to put into developing, promoting, etc..
Hostblue...there are about 10-15 domains that I like that are not yet taken and I have great ideas for them but no time or money to pursue it. I suspect many people have bought domains with plans for them but never get around to it.
Just reconciled a pile of them, deciced to scrap all the .biz domains, probably doing the same with almost all the .info ones ...

Me personally, i have 4 , 3 of which are's
Othello has 157 domains - mostly 1 per service we offer - a specific marketing/business tactic used on the value / nofrills brands, where each is treated as a separate domain, entity, bank account etc - that way shoudl one take off, it can be kept/sold/treated separate to all the others.
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This is an old thread? November 2003 I had 3 or 4 I think. and now ...

... I just cracked half a ton. Keep getting carried away searching on word combinations.

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