New hosting for business blog

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I am planning to start a new business blog with 3 of my other friends. We will be focusing on the business models and market strategies.
Our main area of expertise is business resources and HR.
All our services will be free.
We will use wordpress blog only.
We dont need shopping carts or any such stuff
We want a reliable web host which can deliver the following

1. Handle maybe around 1000 visitors a day. (At the start i dont think we can achieve 1000/day. Maybe 100/day. 1000/day maybe after 6-7 months or else if our blog takes of very quickly)

2. Will not delete our accounts suddenly like i have heard many web hosts do when they use up a certain amount of server resources

3. Assures 99.99% up time guarantee.

4. At least 50 GB disk space and 1000 GB bandwidth per month (no unlimited bandwidth, disk space gimmick please)

5. Atleast 10 My SQL database. Atleast 10 email and ftp accounts each with anonymous ftp option

6.Ability to add a forum later on

7.Latest versions of PHP and My SQL

I am not sure of shared or vps. I would like people to suggest.

note i wont be hosting more than one blog in this account

We have a Page rank 2 blog too. We would like the host to become a sponsor if possible and we will make them our sponsors on the business blog as well as our other business blog driving targeted traffic to you and no affiliate links will be used by us

Please contact me with your suggestions, offers
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Its rare to see people be specific as you are, so I am sure you will receive a lot of qualified bids.

However, I should probably tell you that 50GB of space and 1000 GB bandwidth are rather astronomical figures for a blog, even the busiest one.

My personal take is start with a shared hosting account. Your needs for the year will probably not surpass 1 GB space and you won't need more than 50 GB of bandwidth per month, unless it will be multimedia intensive - then its a different story.

For the space/bandwidth requirements that you mention you should probably consider VPS, but why pay for something you are not going to use?

At this point in time 1GB-5GB space, 25-40GB bandwidth is all you need right now.

I can offer you the following for a low monthly price. Promo codes are at the bottom.

Lite - $3.99
Space: 5GB
Bandwidth/Transfer: 40GB
Databases: Unlimited
FTP Accounts: Unlimited
Email Accounts: Unlimited
Database Accounts: Unlimited
Add-on Domains: Unlimited
Parked Domains: Unlimited
Support: 24/7 Ticket Support

Order Now

Fusion-Hosts is having a special right now for Shared Hosting! Anyone who purchases Shared Hosting will recieve the following bonuses.

%5 Off Monthly Purchase!
%15 Off 3-Month Purchase !
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%35 Off 12-Month Purchase!

Use the following coupon codes to recieve your discount. The coupon codes go in order as listed above.

Thanks. I would like to remind you that you get the sponsorship status of these sites in addition to the new blog i am going to start (PR 2)
50GB space, and 1TB bandwidth is a lot and no one will sponsor you for those 2 sites. No offense, but a PR2 domain would not return what a host would give you.

It is better to buy a package from a host. Also, you really need 1TB of bandwidth? If so, you should buy a dedicated server.
Hello coolguy,
Do you have any stats available for your blog? It's no problem for us to sponsor you. However, we have to see the potential of your sites and determine if it is worth waiving the monthly hosting fees. Ultimately, promoting our hosting services within your email signatures and your site would be a necessity. If this sounds okay with you, please send a PM.
250GB monthly traffic for a sites that will just start is a bit high, don't you think? let's say your site needs to load 100kB each time it is viewed. And let's say every visitor will load it 50 times every day. That gives us 5.0MB per visit. You'd have to have 50k visits like that a month, more than 1.5k every day. And, frankly, I don't think that's possible...
So, try to calculate what you REALLY need.

Unless you're not telling us everything (for example you want to make a d/l site etc.).
Hello coolguythampy, we are more than willing to provide yourself with hosting for the purpose of the blog. We have recently sponsored a charity and community project or two and are looking to promote blogs, forums and any other community oriented projects where we can.

All we usually ask are for a “powered by” or “sponsored by” line/link and possibly a banner. Our standard plans should provide you within the requirement you posted and the extra 50gb bandwidth to reach 250gb/month can be added.

Please feel free to contact us.
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