Plesk instead of WHM - am I going to be limited?


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Im used to running a couple of VPS servers using WHM, but it appears the websites on these servers will shortly be moved to a new provider who only supports Plesk.

I would like to know - will Plesk leave me more limited in terms of my ability to manage the server?

On WHM I can backup whole cpanel accounts, restart specific services, and use EasyApache to recompile, add options, extentions, new modules, upgrade PHP, MySQL etc etc.

Is there an EasyApache equivalent for Plesk allowing me to do all of this? Will it give me the same level of detail and server control as WHM does?

I have very little experience of plesk - only using it previously to manage specific local accounts. It seems to do this very well but I am concerned about the bigger picture of server management which WHM has always handled very well.

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I've only used Plesk a few times myself, but it is comparable in many ways to WHM by cPanel. It does have it's own management interface and you can start and restart services through there. I've not played with recompiles through a web interface, don't know if they even have one. Every time I've been asked to help troubleshoot for a user I've spent much of my time in shell. I know the older versions of Plesk had almost no control panel for admin work.

It's going to be a learning curve for you when you make the move. If you're going to be moving providers, get a jump on the servers and pick one up NOW and start learning the little tricks that you'll need to know when your clients move over on the VPS. Making that kind of change for customers without giving them an option is not good, but maybe you're using the VPS only for you.

For me, WHM is still the way to go, but if you're making the switch, you better start reading and finding the resources now.
Hey, thanks for the reply.

The full story is that these two VPS's contain a number of sites and applications that we have built for one specific client. We dont host them - but the company that does host them provides WHM which is fantastic.

The client now wants to move their web hosting to a company that will only provide Plesk, so I'm trying to work out whether we need to persuade them to not make the move.

Sometimes need to add modules and recompile as we add new features and developments to the suite of websites, and I'm concerned that this may be much harder for me to do without WHM / easy apache.
I hear ya! Thanks for the extra background on this. Personally, I'd stick with WHM, but if the client is set on moving they'll have some challenges ahead of them. If you're not familiar with Plesk and you're looking to compile extra modules into the server, lets hope that your host has a pretty responsive team that can give you the support needed.

I did some digging around last night on google just to see what I coudl find on Plesk, and it appears that most of it is still command line driven, from an Admin's perspective.

We only offer the one control panel on our shared servers - cPanel/WHM. The main reason is familiarity, and the second being support. It's must easier to train staff on a single system, than have them jumble up 2 or 3 control panels and have to remember which is which ;)

Fingers crossed for you. We do some custom compiles of Apache from the command line, but everything runs through the easyapache program - moving outside of the box I'd only be guessing as to what is where etc.

Hopefully some of the other hosts here who operate Plesk can jump in and give you some extra information.
thanks - yeah, it's sounding like we need to stick with WHM at all costs. I'm not completely incompetent when it comes to command line but I'd rather blast though easyApache than spend ages working out the right command line to acheive the same thing.

As you said, would be good to hear from someone who does use Plesk to manage a server though.
We use plesk for our windows and linux shared servers. We dont have any huge issues with it other than upgrading. Upgrading a server for a major change such as version 8 to 9 can often lead to something getting broken. The plesk team is usally fairly good about getting stuff like this fixed for us, but we have not seen this issue with cpanel before.

As for features, you could probably manage youre site/server directly from plesk if you didnt know how to do anything other than click on buttons in the control panel. You can alter permissions, create databases, create email accounts, etc. As long as you dont need to fine tune anything it works fine.
Thanks for the info.

I've done a bit of digging in other places as well, and combined with what you guys are saying, I do get the idea that Plesk isnt set up for the same level of server management as WHM.

Thanks again for the help.
Cpanel has fantastic support. Many times if you open a ticket they will access your server remotley and resolve the problem for you. I think this makes cpanel the best choice.

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