Ways to advertise on facebook?

Some people choose to "buy" likes, shares, retweets, etc.
Not sure if this is the 'best' way, as I've never done it myself.

Perhaps you want to look into subscribing to a "promoted tweet" service, so Twitter will ensure non-followers still see your tweets. Similar to an advertisement stuck between their tweets but it shows who promoted it.

For Facebook, you can create a page, and it easily gives you the options to promote it. They will put a link to your page on the sidebar, but you get to choose what group of people. (Targeted marketing).


Good luck!
The paid likes, followers, retweets etc. are not a good way to go for it. You will get the numbers, but at the end of they way almost none of those will convert into real sales. This is why, like in other marketing methods, you are looking for things to happen naturally. If you are interesting, engaging, active in discussions and bring a useful point of view for the end visitor, then you will slowly grow and can use this audience to make some real money.

As for advertising, the options and opportunities actually differ with the different social networking sites. We have tried the Facebook Ads before, which although targeted, can bring volatile results, especially if you are in the early stages of your development. I am still a firm believer of the "slow and steady wins the race" way :rolleyes2
Some people choose to "buy" likes, shares, retweets, etc.
Not sure if this is the 'best' way, as I've never done it myself.

Perhaps you want to look into subscribing to a "promoted tweet" service, so Twitter will ensure non-followers still see your tweets. Similar to an advertisement stuck between their tweets but it shows who promoted it.

For Facebook, you can create a page, and it easily gives you the options to promote it. They will put a link to your page on the sidebar, but you get to choose what group of people. (Targeted marketing).


Good luck!

Thanks for the link. Facebook i have studied now time to test it.

Anyone know how to contact twitter regarding the tweets promoters they make?
You can run some contest and offer a free domain or a free hosting plan so that you can increase shares and likes with in your niche market. There are lot of third party online applications to do this work easy ex: punchtab
What is the best way to start advertising on facebook and other social media websites?

To start advertising you should consider a few things such as submit your site to every directory, specialty listing, industry organization, and yellow pages you can find, Blogs, Forums, facebook ads, free classifed ads...and etc.
Linkedin can be a great option as well

I've tried to launch a Campaign on Linkedin and apparently it was very successful got like 5.67 CTR!
I've tried to launch a Campaign on Linkedin and apparently it was very successful got like 5.67 CTR!

What about your ROI though? Did anyone signup for your services or was it just clicks? Though, some people like clicks and don't mind if they don't get a sale as they are trying to brand their name.
What we do is to to try to engage our own customers as well as FB members and business owners involved in various online business niches (web development, web design, app development, etc.). "Buying" likes does not work. What does now would do with all those "fake" likes. If there's no community of real FB friends, it does not make sense to run a Facebook page.
we have tried different ways of advertising / promotion including contests and giveaways ... these types of things usually get people looking at least.
I would suggest you *NOT* to buy an social media package as most of them are fake. Those accounts are probably bots and useless. I've experienced this.

You could make yourself a Facebook page and target the right audience. You could start giveaway on your website and ask people to like your page to participate in the giveaway. There are few plugins which will help you in this.

You can even post discounts and offers via your page and increase your sales.

Social Media, indeed is a great way to drive traffic and customers.
Is there is any tutorial which is worth reading and learn?

Is there is any tutorial which is worth reading and learn? I was searching for one but could not find any suggestion ?
I feel Facebook is a good only for Brand Building and nothing more than that. I did not get any sales, at least I assume that, but there was a lot of traffic from Facebook even after I stopped the campaign. It is been a few months since I stopped the target campaign but I still get the hits.
Ur supposed to hire Facebook to sell but all I hear from it dont make sense to that just fancy number on ur page they call likes that without them Facebook search engine would ignore your company great big deal,honestly I think the people behind Facebook are great dealers and maybe the Facebook numbers are the image of the seal of the beast,well at least everyone is saying please like my facebook page that I even think thateven doctors,politician are behind them,I think Im gonna cry when I see a priest or a government agency asking for likes,I guess the world is becoming wicked with those likes,are they really needed? <snipped>
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I feel Facebook is a good only for Brand Building and nothing more than that. I did not get any sales, at least I assume that, but there was a lot of traffic from Facebook even after I stopped the campaign. It is been a few months since I stopped the target campaign but I still get the hits.

Not really a good idea to blindly invest into campaigns. You need to have the proper tracking systems in place so you can see exactly how much return you're making on your marketing efforts.

Through trial and error you will find what works for your company but if you're paying and not properly tracking, you will never know.

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