Recent content by Homer

  1. Homer

    Cheap hosters...

    What is your oppinion on cheap (e.g. $3/month) hosters? Are they the saviours, or destroyers of the hosting bizz?
  2. Homer

    Internet block

    I work for this company and they put a block on certain groups of network users for internet access. We only have limited access to a few sites... Any idea how to avoid this? A ping to a domain will result in an IP, but no respondse.
  3. Homer


    Has anyone already got a RAQ550? If so, what are your experiences?
  4. Homer

    What's Wrong??

    What's wrong? Why is everybody afraid to make a post?? Or even make a new thread... :D - Homer
  5. Homer

    Important!! Scammers!!

    Important!! :) There is a company called XChange, which claims to be an arbiter when it comes to domain registrations. They tell you to deposit $250-$1250 to prove that the domain is really yours. They also claim to be an ICANN organ... They are not! BEWARE!! :uzi:
  6. Homer

    Member of the Month - APRIL

    Howdy peeps, lets have a "Member of the Month" election... Post your favorite (you CAN post for yourself, however, that is of course not really the idea here :D) poster here. I will add them to the Poll so you can vote on them... I've already added a few, let me know which ones you want added...
  7. Homer

    What IM do you use?

    What IM do you use? Use the poll please. You can also post comments... NOTE: You can have MULTIPLE choices!!
  8. Homer

    What kind of pets do you have?

    Well... Do you have any pets? If so, what? What's its name? NOTE: Wives, husbands and family are not considered pets!! :D :D :D
  9. Homer

    Lip-Reading cell... LoL!!

    Sweet!! NTT DoCoMo is busy developing a new cell: A LIP READING CELL!! No more yelling through the phone, it will 'read' what you're saying... You can also 'lip-speak' email messages instead of typing em... Oh man that sounds like fun!! :D
  10. Homer

    HACK eBay!!

    Ack!! eBay had a "minor" bug... With the option to change your password, it was actually possible to change the pass, and immediately get into the account (of someone else) eBay has closed that function until they fix it :D
  11. Homer

    LoL @ Microsoft - is a site from Unysis and Microsoft. It is an anti-Unix site. The funny thing is that this site, until it was taken down last friday ran on a Unix flavor OS... LOL LOL LOL (Check that here) Now the spokesman of the site won't speak up... Funny thing... Quite...
  12. Homer

    Bored? Check this!! :)

    I found this to be a great way to kill time, or to cheer up when bored :P Sketch ahead boys!!
  13. Homer

    Microsoft Outlook 2002 HTML Mail Script Execution Vulnerability

    Microsoft Outlook 2002 can be made to execute script embedded in HTML mail without warning the user. This is done by creating a web browser object containing script in the "Location" parameter specified by a <PARAM ... > tag and embedding this in the mail. When a user chooses to "reply" or...
  14. Homer

    DMCA against constitution??

    Elcomsoft will base its defence on the fact that the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) would be against the constitution... Elcomsoft wrote a program once which disabled the copy-protection in some Adobe product... What do you think...? Against the constitution or not... Also, WHY?
  15. Homer

    Ohhh... Billy boy is dead... :S

    Found this on CNN Shocking news..