5gb/50GB - How do u resell it?

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Lets say I signed up for a reselling package that gives me 5GB diskspace and 50GB Bandwidth --- can u suggest to me how i should resell this and what sort of packages should i offer.?

Is the above too "small" of a reseller package or should i buy a bigger reseller package?

I am a beginner at this and just trying to ask questions and hope of getting some feedback.

What kind of 'profit' could i be looking at assuming i have some sort of client flow, or is it too pre-mature to even think of profit at this stage?

First month or two I'd focus on advertising and possibly losing some money. After that you can expect to start to see a steady increase in profits. Once you reach a point in which you need more space/bandwidth you should be able to move to a dedicated server.

5 GB Space
50 GB Bandwidth
Should be more than enough in regards to space/bandwidth IF they allow overselling (which most companies do).

For begining I think you are more than fine. I haven't noticed clients going above 1 GB space or Bandwidth for quite a while...(unless it's image hosting or a profitable reseller company).

Just make sure you have a business plan that you can stick with, you will probably need to make some modifications with your plans and pricing as time goes on of course but that's going to be natural (especially once you wish to introduce VPS and dedicated server solutions).
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I've attached an Excel document I recommend to everyone going through this stage. It will help you determine prices based on your costs, and specs.

The fields in YELLOW - are the numbers you CAN change. The other numbers are dynamic, they're automatically calculated. DON'T change them.

Hope this helps.


  • Cost Calculator.zip
    3.7 KB · Views: 59
I recommend it to everyone who is just starting up a reseller account. It helps them figure out how much they should charge for packages, and what kind of return they can look for from their package prices.

It's just to help them get their base prices in place, and figure out a custom package easily.
It depends what kind of service you are looking to offer to your customers. Most of the people who use our reseller plans are web design companies who are hosting their client's websites. As a result, things like a great level of customer support, solid servers and redundant backup solutions are far more important to them than the level of disk space and bandwidth we offer them with their reseller plan.

I would encourage you to try and focus on other aspects than the amount of disk space and bandwidth you provide with your plans, because it is a very slippery slope to go down and their will always be someone offering more than you. Most of our clients signup with us because of our reputation for providing a solid service backed by great customer support, not because of the level of disk space and bandwidth we offer.

All the best with your new venture! :)

- Chris
I agree with Rochen 100%.

As a "newbie", you must be careful not to go down the "disk space and bandwidth" path and think this is all your clients care about.

If it is.. then you are probably not going to succeed unless you have a LOT of clients or a lot of capital.


It is much better to focus on how much it costs to pay for your high quality support and service, your reliable servers, and your operating costs...

Once you have your costs nailed down, add how much profit you want to make.. and THEN you can calculate your necessary pricing for your packages. The amount of disk space/bandwidth you offer is 100% dependant on what kind of customer you are trying to attract.

If you are trying to attract local hosting clients, like designers and people looking for *quality*, then they won't care what you offer as long as it is on a 100% reliable server with instant support.

If you are trying to attract "quantity" customers, then 5gb disk and 50gb bandwidth is enough for perhaps a single $10 account. There are still 1000 companies who offer this even cheaper.

I hope that helps. :)

I think if you want a small hosting company and small plans like ranging from 100MB - 600MB or more, then this is the reseller plan for you. If you want to make bigger profit I think you need a bigger reseller or a VPS Server or a Dedicated Server (if you also want to resell reseller plans with shared hosting and have complete root access).
I would recommend to start off with small plans of about 100MB upto 500MB

You can earn a nice amount per month from these packages if advertised in the correct places dont be put off with so called companys selling massives up on massives of space and bandwidth as

1 they could be over selling
2 they dont have a clue

Hope this helps
Sorry to be blunt hehe
Well you have to ask yourself, is the orginal service provider offering a good network and excellent service to you? If so, next question is to ask yourself "Can I provide the support needed to run a high cost hosting platform?" If yes to both then your starting off right. What you may want to do is put together a basic list of features that you want to offer to consumers based off your limits, if a resource limit is in effect (which if you answered yes to question number 1, then it should be) after that then put those features into a service plan with disk space and bandwidth. Start off small like this:

Plan 1:
500MB Disk space
1GB bandwidth
5 email addresses
0 MySQL Databases
Price: $9.95 per month or even $6.95 but not too low

Build your plan features off of that. With reselling, try not to give too much for too little...this will also help you build up a solid customer base with a resource limit, which can be very hard to do.
I don't quite understand what you mean? Are you trying to say you have a reseller's account, and want to sell reseller's accounts? Or how to sell hosting on a reseller's account? Well, first off you'll need cPanel/WHM to start off. Do you have that?
The only way you could possibly do that is by RVSkin's sub resellers panel, or just get a dedicated server. Even with cPanel/WHM a reseller has no way to sell reseller plans without a sub reseller feature enabled.
what is reselling?

i hear reselling pop up a lot on these boards... i have a dedicated server through allison data hosting and have the reseller function but i am at a loss when it comes to understand what it is and how it could benefit me
Yeah you could get low priced resellers, but lets face it. Lower pricing in many cases (especially with resellers) come along with not so good support. When dealing with reselling, I would think that one would want to have good support and overall excellent quality, that....comes with a price!
when it comes down to it, you have to spend a month or two, then afterwards u start to see customers coming. but try to stick to ur game plan, and it should work out in the end.
Lol, i always love seeing this. A post starts in 2005, gets some more attention a few months later, then mid 2006 is brough back to life. I has a chance to finally rest and another 4 months goes by and a new memeber pops it back to the top of the charts!

Please look at thread dates people!
(sometimes a goot thread does need to get some new light though...)
TVGHosting said:
Please look at thread dates people!
Could not have said it better. :thumbsup:

Thread closed. We suggest opening a new thread if someone has a similar question.
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