Adwords - useful?

Hmm well its still stuck at the moment .. pending .. so to speak.. not sure why. Thought i set it up right.. guess i'll have to do it again.
Budget and Targeting

Don't limit your budget when running adwords, you have to loose your pocket to understand how it can benefit you. Also you may need a concern person who have expertise in it.

Targeting is indeed very important because you'd like to invest your money on the specific market segment you want to sell your products/services to. Also, take note of the budgeting because you might be putting in lower bids compared to other advertisers who have the same targeting. The process of targeting and budgeting is very taxing but once you get it right, you won't have to go through the difficult process again.
Hey all,

Has anyone had any success with using Adwords to market their business? I tried out one of Google's $100 free vouchers and it delivered me moderate traffic, but not a great conversion rate and certainly not worth $100 of my money.

I got some sale. Still it was not worth for me. I did cause I had a free voucher. I prefer to make seo as on long term is cheaper.