Best Domain Registrars?


New member
Who do you think are:

1. The best UK domain registration company

2. The best US company

So far i haven't used any US companies , i use normally, today i used for the first time but it seems they take a lot longer than 123 to register a domain
US -

UK - Best to get your own tag. If you dont have one then 123-reg would be the best (UKReg messed me about).
Should there be a difrence between registrations? its all the same... I think.. ;)

Not sure i understand the question??

Anyhow.... You should only get your own TAG with nominet if a) you are willing to stump up membership fees that you will take a while to claw back if you don't currently register lots .uk domains, and B) If you have the technical expertise to integrate it into your own systems. (Unless you just wish to use the PGP plug in with Outlook Express for example - possible but not really the way to go). Otherwise probably best to use someone like UkReg or 123-reg. Another (probably less important??) reason to get a NIC TAG / Membership is because it can make your company look like a bigger more established player.

I think OpenSRS now do .co.uks? Havn't checked.

One of the main reasons for using OpenSRS over and above other ICANN approved registrars is that their client software (the software that sits on your server and communicates with the OpenSRS servers in real time) is open source (See SourceForge). Another main reason and the reason i have chosen OpenSRS in the past (in other companies) is that it doesn't look very possible that they will get taklen over by Verisign (which happened to - a great registrar until Verisign ruined them). If you go for OpenSRS though - you will need access to good Perl skills. An alternative - there are quite a few companies around that will integrate the OpenSRS client into your own systems for a fee.

Of course the very easy to integrate API from Dotster (Instant Reseller System <a href='' target='_blank'></a>, is a great reason for using them - extremely easy - only HTML skills required. A great way to start selling domains online very quickly. The only reasons i can see for not going with Dotster is their "not so hot" support - usually takes > 24 hours for them to get back to you - but then OpenSRS have never been too hot either in the support dept.
Anyway - i think it is safe to say, IMHO - only use an ICANN accredited registrar (to get the best prices) for .com, .net and .orgs or you will be reselling for a reseller. You can get a list of all accredited registrars here.... - others may tend to dissagree - that is just my opinion.

Hope that helps.
Cheers - Mark
I prefer <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Best Domain Registrars

We've been fairly well satisfied with eNom and names4ever - both US companies. Haven't taken advantage of UK registrars, as yet.

We will probably be integrating registrars outside the US to our software, at a later stage of development.

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