Google launched URL shortening service


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Google Dec. 14 launched URL shortening service tfor Google Toolbar and Feedburner. bit back hours later by offering a professional service. It's a URL brevity battle royale. Eventually, Google could offer more broadly, which could be a scary proposition for and others in the space and points to an ongoing trend of Google trying to mimic other Web services to keep traffic flowing to its search engine and other Web services.
But that's only for internal services and products only, not for anything you want! :)
Which is for internal links? I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it becomes widely used on EVERYTHING - everyone wants a piece of the pie these days.
seriously what don't they own....They really want to have everything...reminds of a company called Microsoft who invited and practiced that same religion all the time..
Yeah, Google kind of scares me. I worry about what tends to happen when one company gets control of the market. Things usually stay more fair when lots of smaller guys compete.
It seems that Google URL Shortener is currently available for Google products and not for broader consumer use
Google might be targeting twitter to replace tinyurl within tweets.

I just continue wondering where the real value in running a service like TinyURL or, or Google one is... I never get what the long-term point of this is.
OK, you are redirecting 50,000,000 URLs. Then what?
Some terms or special symbols have been picked by Google for shortening namely the dates and this matter can easily get noticed once you begin taking a look at the pages and web URLs of the blogs, like WordPress. It could be great from indexing perspectives as many people think that adding too many words to their web pages addresses could help with better rankings which may not be true.

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