has recently acquired


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We are proud to announce that has recently acquired

Forum4hosts's Members:You may login to your account here by using the username and password provided to you. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. If you have forgotten your password, please Click here!
We hope you enjoy your stay here at
;) I dont think I ever visited forum4hosts but the name does sound familiar.
Anyway...welcome to those members

Just out of interest....

1) I was a member of forum4hosts (and a mod along with Andrew from agcc) with the username mark and i'm also an existing member here with the username mark.. what would have happened if i hadn't been the same person?

2) Are all of the old forum4hosts posts going to be merged or archived? (there is some good stuff there).

Sorry if these have been answered elsewhere.
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Ignore Question 2... Blimey... you managed to merge the whole lot in!! Strewth! Gooood Work!
mark said:
1) I was a member of forum4hosts (and a mod along with Andrew from agcc) with the username mark and i'm also an existing member here with the username mark.. what would have happened if i hadn't been the same person?
Both forums username/IP/email address have to match in order to merge the account.

I hope that answered your question Mark, and welcome to HD!
BrowseHosts said:
why not :(, site doesn't even exist anymore

I believe because it is confidential business information. And since HostingDiscussion is not a publicly traded company, this kind of information is thus private. ;)

lol.... no i meant given relative sizes. Like say, for a 500 member forum, 7,000 posts, and it gets a new member or two each day.

How much worth ?
Personally I find the whole thing has been handled poorly and unprofessionally

I would have expected at least:

1. Notification before the transfer
2. Request for permission from the user to move their "personal" data
Richard said:
I would have expected at least:

1. Notification before the transfer
2. Request for permission from the user to move their "personal" data

Richard, you are absolutely correct about this. This is how it should have been done. I don't want to sound too harsh or unfair though, but legally speaking it was a legal responsibility of the former owner/management because at a time of access and sale, member data was under their supervision and control. They should have behaved in accordance of their privacy policy and terms of service. If they didn't, that's too bad.

I personally know from practice that HD has been accurate in this regard and has always informed its users about ANY changes that may affect not only their status but the status of a forum itself.

So, I hope you stick around because, believe me, we have a great team of folks here who work very hard to make things happen.

All the best,
Hi, thought I should put my head in here to see the latest developments to do with F4H and its new ownership.

My question is - what will happen to the status of the old mods (such as mark and myself).
Also should ask - will be beneficial to the UK hosting industry (of which F4H was primarily focused upon), as (and I could be wrong when I say this), but this forum looks fairly americanized.

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