has recently acquired

Well, Andrew, let me address your concerns.

1. First of all, the Network's policy is that the individuals who are in charge of moderating the forum cannot run a hosting business of their own. This one principle is enforced in order to keep neutrality of views and opinion.

This rule is in practice on the majority of other hosting forums and me and Orioli think it is for good, so unfortunately I do not think this will be changing anytime soon.

However, the good news is that we're thinking on creating certain positions that will allow anyone to become an official leading team member at HD. I cannot say more because we have not figured out the details of the positions and its duties, nor we confirmed anything so far.

But please stay tuned, because you guys might be contacted soon, as well as other dedicated members about it.

2. As for the forum and its eligibility for the UK market, I'd say its not true that this forum is Americanized. Yes, certain things are done to satisfy all markets, but in general we have big groups of businesses representing all continents. And we try to keep the interest up proportionally to the size of those groups participating in this community.

Hope this clarifies a few things.


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