How Best to Promote Our New Datacenter


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Hey guys,

I have a marketing case-study that I wanted to share with everyone, and hear your thoughts...

This week TurnKey Internet finalized the purchase of a great big new datacenter in New York. It's a former federal government building with 1-foot-thick cement walls so it's the perfect place to house our infrastructure. The multi-million-dollar expansion comes on the heels of record growth over the past 2 years.

I'm currently brainstorming about how to use the new acquisition marketing-wise and I'd love to enlist your help!

So far I've written a press release that got distributed (via PRWeb) yesterday morning with a nice result. The story got picked up by several tech news sites.

Check out the press release:

I also wrote a blog post about the acquisition and posted pictures of the outside and inside of the new building pre-upgrades.

Check that out here:
TurnKey Internet Blog

Of course I've sent out notifications in all the social media outlets (Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, etc.)

I've also been writing personal emails to all of my press contacts online and off, including all of the local newspapers. So far we've gotten one interview for an article in our local Business Review.

So, now, here I am, posting to you guys. What should I do next? Have I covered all of my bases? If this was your project to market and promote, how would you go about doing it? I feel like there is a lot of talk on these forums about how to get traffic to your website, up your SEO, etc., but not so much specific project-related advice. I think it would be so great if we could work together to build a checklist for marketers to work with. It can feel overwhelming to tackle a project promotion without one!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

By the way, I saw your Press Release at least six times on my email from different alerts, so PRWEB works well. Call your local Chamber of Commerce and local TV stations - it's a newsworthy event. :D
better you must promote your'e sites in many social bookmarking / social networking such as facebook, twiiter, digg, stumbleupon, and many more taht you be find in google ...

Because if used social bookmarking / social networking, it easy to do promote your'e site or business...

Awesome that you saw the release! Good to have some third-party confirmation that it works well. And thanks for the suggestions! I have contacted the local chamber and TV stations as well as radio stations and every newspaper I can find. Also, the social networks. So far we haven't had as much interest as I anticipated though. Maybe I'm not being patient enough but it is big news and I would have thought more outlets would be pouncing. I'll keep you guys updated on the progress. Any other marketing suggestions would be most welcome!
The question is: what is the state of your data center? Is it ready to accept clients? What is your objective at this particular moment?

If you can answer these, you will understand what your target audience is at this point.
The datacenter is undergoing upgrades right now. We're hoping to start operating out of it 3rd quarter of this year. Right now my objective is to publicize the fact that we're expanding and that we own our own facility. I want to instill confidence in our clients as well as use our solid growth over the past two years (as evidenced by the acquisition) to inspire further growth in both direct sales and brand awareness. My target audience is always the business owner looking to expand or streamline her IT, the office manager looking to save money on hosting while getting top-notch customer service and hardware/software quality and support, and the home office small business person looking for business-in-a-box servers with no learning curve. I could certainly go on :)

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