i5 or i7?

OP, regardless of which one you go with, if you're maxing out the CPU enough to feel a big difference between the computing power of those chips, it's probably time to go with a more powerful processor than either of those.

Intel doesn't market those as "server grade" processors, and marketing aside, that means one giant distinction. You will see the i-series in both desktop boards and a server boards but you won't see a E3-series (the congruent product in the server series) in a desktop board. The i5 or i7 just fine in a server for many years, but hardware that supports it is what to consider. There's more to it than just a processor. Your star needs a good supporting cast.

What does that mean?

If you must go with one of those, consider the aspects of memory support. The i5 and i7 both use DDR3 memory, but that does not mean that the memory is running in triple channel! If you're looking strictly at advertisement numbers (the name of the processor and the memory being listed as DDR3) you might not be getting the whole picture. The processor may be installed on a desktop board. On desktop boards it's reasonably common to find DDR3 running in dual channel.

I'll let someone else give the spiel about ECC memory, but in a nutshell, server memory is designed to be online for long periods of time, desktop memory is designed to see reboots every now and then.

So if you're looking at two server vendors right now and one is slinging an i5 and the other is slinging an i7, consider more than just the CPU speed. Those processor lines are similar enough that if one is in a desktop and one is in a server, I'd pick the one in the server, even if it's marginally "slower" on a benchmark test.
For those interested in getting dedicated servers, you are best off with the E3 or E5 Intel server chips... the Core i series was never meant to be more than desktop versions. ....

i7 is a desktop version. you may want to go with a 1270 would be a better option

If you are planning for a long term stability/performance go for E3 or E5 CPU rather then a desktop CPU.

Yes, i7 is much better than the i5 servers. If you have the budget then go for i7. This would help you to retain the setup for a longer time. If you go for i5, you might have to upgrade to a better server when your company grows.
They shouldn't be using desktop parts in a server either way, so they should never have to upgrade to a better CPU, unless they got something super under performing in comparison.

Depends on the Server's Usage/Purpose. Prefer i7 if the Price difference is less.
This makes no sense to me, it shouldn't be using an i7 at all, but there's a decent price difference between an i5, i7, E3, and E5 series chips.

Personally, i5 and i7 are desktop cpus, I wouldn't use it as a production server environment. Performance is subpar.

You can also try E3 and E5 Series rather than i5 and i7.


I rather i7 3632QM :D
And the M series is a mobile cpu... as in Laptop / Ultrabook processor... it literally has NO place being in a server at all. lol
Yes, i7 is much better than the i5 servers. If you have the budget then go for i7. This would help you to retain the setup for a longer time. If you go for i5, you might have to upgrade to a better server when your company grows.

The i7 is a desktop cpu, so the i5 would be much better...

i7 is always better than i5.
But it all depends on your pockets and requirements.

Not always true... A higher spec i5 will out preform an old i7
I7 is worth the extra as i have had it for previous sites but it depends on how big your site is, is it huge or just a small site with a few members/customers? basically I7 for bigger sites, I5 for smaller sites.
if you dont have the extra buck go i5 if you do go low end i7 and if you want to spend even more go high end i7
i5 and i7's are popular with some when looking at servers because it's what they are used to and familiar with since their own office or home computers use these CPU's… There are better "server CPU's" though.
i5 is sufficient to manage quite a lot and as others have stated can be cost effective but once you identify what you need the server for and if you require very high performance then i7 would be the way to go.
To be honest the hosts of an i7 are not worth it in most types of hosting at all as the i5 as about 80% of the power of the i7 and it uses alot less power 86w vs 108w.

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