Iphone 7

Well, I was kind of looking forward to the iPhone 7, as I was considering upgrading from iPhone 6, but don't think I will be doing that. Too many unnecessary bells and whistles, removed headphone jack... going to miss that little guy that I use a lot.
Will stick with the iPhone 6 for as long as I can.
I hate when Apple do updates and add more unnecessary apps that you will not use and cannot remove, but use up some of your phones memory
Like Artashes, I'm sticking to my iPhone 6 for now. When this contract is up, I was thinking about switching to that Samsung that explodes and catches on fire. :p
Well, I was kind of looking forward to the iPhone 7, as I was considering upgrading from iPhone 6, but don't think I will be doing that. Too many unnecessary bells and whistles, removed headphone jack... going to miss that little guy that I use a lot.
Will stick with the iPhone 6 for as long as I can.

I been using 4s until now. Its time for me to get it. Malaysia only ready by Nov, guess i will get one when its launch in malaysia
Quite happy with my 6S and I too use the headphone jack quite a bit.

Won't be rushing out to buy a 7. May see what comes next in the product cycle and go from there.
No plans to upgrade from Iphone 6 plus. Until I see a need. they did not add enough to make it worth while.
what a week i have had upgrading my iphone.

I have had an iPhone 5c 8GB for 2 year, this did my needs apart from the 8GB, so when it come to renew i just decided on the 5S 16GB as it would suit me.
so phoned and got a deal i was happy with, so new phone arrived late afternoon the following day, so set it up using icloud restore and then added my email addresses. turned my phone on the following morning and found my all my email addresses had vanished, so reloaded them just thinking it was me not setting them correct, but then i noticed the phone getting hotter and hotter to a point you could almost fry and egg on the back. several live chats and phones calls to provider and still no one could help, so i posted on their FB page and wow got a call from their exec dept, who agreed to replace the phone and the blocked the faulty phone and told me to dispose of it ( a risk of sending it back through the postal system), so today i find then have opened 2 contracts 1 for each phone and then later today i find they have also blocked the replacement phone. A guy from my providers exec dept is going to phone me tomorrow to see how the replacement phone is going. I cant wait for his call as i dare say i will be giving him a few choice words and telling him where he can shove his contract.
I almost never use my headphone jack, then I get a 7 and recently got a new car, the bluetooth in car doesn't play audio (unlike my old car) .. So I plugged in an aux cable and literally attempted to plug the other end into the headphone jack of my iPhone 7, only for it to slip off as the headphone jack is not there :( I laughed out loud. something I never used suddenly become useful.

You do get a little adapter but I didn't have it with me unfortunately.

Other than that it's not a bad upgrade... the black colour makes the device look great. The display, battery and speed are all a great improvement.

I only upgraded because my 16GB had no space and with these starting at 32GB it was a must for me.
The new waterproof feature and improved battery life is something I would definitely consider taking a look at! I know that everyone is heartbroken about their 3.5mm jack but to be honest I rarely use it when I am charging my phone, so it would probably be OK for me. With that said, my iPhone 6S does the job just fine at the moment and I am not looking at changing it.

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