Marketing Local


New member
I see a lot of people around here talking about getting your business started up by promoting locally as they are more reliable typically in sticking with you. I suppose my question is, do you typically just walk around to these small businesses? Or do you mail flyers about your hosting services? Or what methods do you typically use to market to your local community? I have not been doing to bad with my online marketing since i'm a web developer also it can help with bringing in new customers. But, I have not really tried marketing to my local community yet.
TravisT said:
I see a lot of people around here talking about getting your business started up by promoting locally as they are more reliable typically in sticking with you. I suppose my question is, do you typically just walk around to these small businesses? Or do you mail flyers about your hosting services? Or what methods do you typically use to market to your local community? I have not been doing to bad with my online marketing since i'm a web developer also it can help with bringing in new customers. But, I have not really tried marketing to my local community yet.
Local Marketing such as Flyers on Mailing in the Postbox will just annoy people, others will just rip them up. If you have a local newspaper that is one of the best methods in terms of marketing locally.
If I had the budget, I would actually do something more creative that stands out.

For example, during Halloween, buy 100-200 smallest pumpkins you can find - they will not cost you a lot. Then buy/print very small but nice cards where you would wish local businesses a successful upcoming holiday season. Along with those wishes, you can mention that if they don't have the online presence in your area yet, they might be missing on some of their sales - BAM! - pitch your development, marketing, hosting solutions.

You can either deliver it yourself from shop to shop (clothing, boutiques) or pay to have someone else do it. The best part is that it looks like a cool gift delivery rather than a flyer.

A local real estate agent in my area did a very similar thing (thanking the neighborhood for their "trust") and it was very effective.

That sounds like a great idea Artashes. I agree that flyers are annoying. In fact, I will sit next to my shredder and routinely toss spam mail into it. I have to imagine that businesses do a lot of the same. I think the pumpkin idea will at least let them think about it. I think the catch is to not become one of those annoying sales people.

The newspaper idea isn't to bad either, I may test it and see if it gives any results. I don't think it is that expensive to advertise in our small local paper.
I would also suggest joining the local chamber of commerce and attending their mixers. This way you will have local business people in a casual enviroment. You can stat conversations by introducing your self and showing interest in them and their company. At somme point ask them if their company has a web presence and present your business card to anyone who shows interest. Also ask if they have a card. This is a good way to get their number and do follow up calls at a later date.
Artashes said:
If I had the budget, I would actually do something more creative that stands out.

Thinking about it, I'm very fortunate Bristol has a annual Baloon Fiesta what better way to get your message across by being one of 50 baloons in the skies ;)
When I was starting out, I would do website programming for people in town that I knew, and when the site was complete I'd just offer to host them as well. I think this approach works wonderfully, especially when trying to gain those base clients that just allow you to break even.

Plus, when someone comes to you to code a website, they really just want it to work properly with minimal effort on their part. If you turn them away to another host, they have to upload, tweak, check logs, etc. I got away with charging a higher than normal montly rate because I took care of all that for them, and that's what they wanted.

Might not work for everyone, but it seemed like a good idea when I was doing it. :)
Actually Zens, I've been using this method online and it has been considerably successful. I suppose the gaming niche that i've been marketing to isn't all that stable. I think I may try using the same marketing tactic on businesses.
Remember the more ways you let people know you are here the better. Not everyone knows about forums and they may just be looking and see a flyer and go directly to your site. It is like I have always said word of mouth is worth a lot. Use this to get your business out there to everyone you can. Bring it up in conversations if you have too. But get that word out.
Ironically enough I just had a coworker ask me about websites. She said that her brother is a gunsmith and will need a website. With his website he'll need a host. ;)
There are many hosts on this forum. I am sure that one of us would be able to assist your co-worker. All you have to do is ask... Post (in the proper section) what you are looking for. Also I know many hosts have advertisements so looking through those would also be a helpful start.

TravisT said:
what methods do you typically use to market to your local community?

Before I sold my hosting business a little over 2 years ago, I had just over 200 local business customers, each paying a premium rate for the specialized customer service that my company provided.

Getting those customers wasn't easy, but not quite as hard as you would expect. The method that I used to gain my first 10 customers was simple. I gave them free hosting for the first 3 months. After the first 30 days, I asked them for feedback, and implemented any suggestions that they asked for, if they weren't too outrageous.

At 60 days, I asked them for feedback again, and let them know that I would extend their free hosting for another 3 months if they would refer 3 paying customers to me.

I repeated that process with the original 10 customers over the next year and it worked better than I expected.

It was simple, didn't cost me much more than a little time, and effective.
Artashes said:
If I had the budget, I would actually do something more creative that stands out.

For example, during Halloween, buy 100-200 smallest pumpkins you can find - they will not cost you a lot. Then buy/print very small but nice cards where you would wish local businesses a successful upcoming holiday season. Along with those wishes, you can mention that if they don't have the online presence in your area yet, they might be missing on some of their sales - BAM! - pitch your development, marketing, hosting solutions.

You can either deliver it yourself from shop to shop (clothing, boutiques) or pay to have someone else do it. The best part is that it looks like a cool gift delivery rather than a flyer.

A local real estate agent in my area did a very similar thing (thanking the neighborhood for their "trust") and it was very effective.


That's a pretty cool and innovative idea I must say. It will make one stand out from the other ways of advertising their business or services.

As Travis you itself are into web development you can pretty well optimize your service from that perspective.

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