Need collegehumor type script


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Hello Webmasters
I'm looking for collegehumor or bigboys type script . I tried hotscripts but I could't found maybe I search under wrong keyword. Anybody have any advice .
I would suggest that you be original and don't base your website off other people's work because not only will your visitors think ... " omg he copied this site off collegehumor" but they will not come back. Look at ebaumsworld, I personally haven't seen another website like that so far...tell me if I'm wrong but this is just my personal opinion, not to be negative or anything because I have nothing against you.
I'm not using other people work . I will have my own content , I;m not going to steal their content . Then you can;t say that , you are using message board that millions of people using that's mean you using other people stuff.
Then if safeway was the first grocerry store , so 7/11 and Qfc should not open and sell grocery because safeway start first. And in my opinion not the most important to have a website , but the most important is how to drive traffic to it . And at the end everybody has his own Customers.
SO any advice for that kind of script .
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