Unimited Trap

Is there not a finite amount of space and bandwidth available to the host itself?

No, I do not think it's a good counter question.

I'm trying to be realistic and am supporter for neither sides in this debate. The issue I'm trying to point out here is that even we all understood that unlimited bandwidth/disk space is nothing more than a marketing gimmicks, we do not have a better choice (at this time). Of course none of us wish to pay for the unnecessary resources that we do not use but since the extra features come with no extra cost (compare to other web host that doesn't offer unlimited hosting) and do not affect our interest (as our website uptime and response speed is alright) - then fine, I'll live with it.
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Living with unlimited plans is also a calculated risk. What works for you very often does not work for many unsuspecting prospects. I hope you never have any problems, but forums are full of threads started by those who have had problems.
very interesting, I would have to agree with everyone about unlimited but what do you think of unmetered not for disk space/bandwidth I mean for MYsql etc...
And yet, I see an awful lot of recommendations for HostGator, who offers unlimited space and bandwidth for shared hosting, but not for VPS or dedicated.

I don't think I've seen many, if any, recommendations for Hostgator that didn't have an affiliate's link attached to it.
Unlimited or not doesn't matter, although it does make the web host that offers unlimited plans more questionable. But as long as it can provide reliable service then I don't care.
Problem is unlimited hosting companies do not charge $4/mo extra - they are charging $4.99 (or some even $3.99/mo) for the unlimited hosting. Can you find me web host that offers 20MB storage with 200MB bandwidth and charges $0.99/mo? ;)

HostGator has a unlimited plan for 4.95/m but can only host ONE site. The plan that lets you host unlimited sites costs 7.95/m. I offer exactly the same plan just for 6.50/m but the BW is 1500GB and Disk space is 150GB. Now this is what I'm saying. A person pays extra 1.45/m just for the unlimited phrase. Amount saved = 1.45 x 12 = $23.40/year.

*I had to present these figures just to proof my point
HostGator has a unlimited plan for 4.95/m but can only host ONE site. The plan that lets you host unlimited sites costs 7.95/m. I offer exactly the same plan just for 6.50/m but the BW is 1500GB and Disk space is 150GB. Now this is what I'm saying. A person pays extra 1.45/m just for the unlimited phrase. Amount saved = 1.45 x 12 = $23.40/year.

Yes, you are right is all shoppers pay extra $1.5/mo to Hostgator solely because of the "unlimited" term. However a purchase decision is always done based on multiple reasons - reputation is one thing, and feeling comfortable with the hosting company is another. And if you are comparing just numbers, I'm sure you can easily find a lot of web hosts that offer unlimited hosting for less than $6.5/mo. So if I go with your hosting plan (6.50/mo for 1500GB/150GB BW/Disk space ) then I'm actually paying more for less.

Thus from what I see - your figures are actually countering your point instead of proving.

Living with unlimited plans is also a calculated risk. What works for you very often does not work for many unsuspecting prospects. I hope you never have any problems, but forums are full of threads started by those who have had problems.

Yes, totally agreed that living with unlimited plans is also a calculated risk - so does living with limited hosting plans. Problems appear with hosting companies with unlimited hosting and with limited hosting. A bad web host is a bad web host regardless of what kind of hosting service (unlimited or limited) it is offering. Again, I'm neither saying that limited hosting or unlimited hosting is good. I'm just trying to show that it's unpractical to say all web hosts that offer unlimited hosting is totally evil (like what mentioned by some of the members here) and we should abandon them.
There is a difference between being evil as you suggest and lying.
One thing is guaranteed. Any host who offers unlimited resources is lying.
That cannot be disputed.
Yes, you are right is all shoppers pay extra $1.5/mo to Hostgator solely because of the "unlimited" term. However a purchase decision is always done based on multiple reasons - reputation is one thing, and feeling comfortable with the hosting company is another. And if you are comparing just numbers, I'm sure you can easily find a lot of web hosts that offer unlimited hosting for less than $6.5/mo. So if I go with your hosting plan (6.50/mo for 1500GB/150GB BW/Disk space ) then I'm actually paying more for less.

Thus from what I see - your figures are actually countering your point instead of proving.

You are proving my point here! So what if I'm a reseller of a highly reputed hosting provider?

Yes we have to think of the reputation as to providing a reliable service and prompt customer support. Lets say all the other factors that effect a purchase decision of a hosting plan is equal other than price and "Unlimited phrase". Now you have to decide, am I going to purchase the plan that is labeled "unlimited" by paying more? or am I going to buy the plan which is more than enough for my needs by paying less and putting that money to good use (eg: like buying a cool domain which can be sold later)?
Listen this is not a trap
The idea of it - is to have an account for you or your biz that allows you to place all you biz or personal websites on one account
and you are not limited
but - it has to be only your websites
and it cant be your garage i mean u cant store tihngs like you store on your own PC
its just for your simple websites and also you can make it a RESELLER that means you cant place others websites on it - thats all
and the other limitations like CPU and SQL - they are there cuz there are hardwhere limitations thats all
i dont host unlimited on my website only cuz there are alot that think its a fake
and i can tel you here this are not our intentions when we say unlimited
i hope im cleare