Well Here Goes My Hardwork

The live chat pop-up is a bit of a nuisance. It kept on popping up for me even though I pressed close.
Personally, can't you just stop pop-ups because if I wanted to chat live I can see from the sidebar, so what's the need of a pop-up?


Thanks for the reply, it our sales team trying to get people who have question regarding our service.


Thanks for the reply, it our sales team trying to get people who have question regarding our service.


but if the pop up works like most, when it is closed the admins/sales team should see it as closed, so therefore should not try and open it again, this is bad practice.
We use the WHMCS live chat and if this is closed/declined then the chat cannot be requested again during the same session.
but if the pop up works like most, when it is closed the admins/sales team should see it as closed, so therefore should not try and open it again, this is bad practice.
We use the WHMCS live chat and if this is closed/declined then the chat cannot be requested again during the same session.

Indeed. No user wants to be pestered. Many like to browse in peace and ask questions at the time of their choosing. BTW...the site isn't loading for me.

The site is working fine by end and server been up for last 8 months with out any down time. Weird i must say .

Your website is down.

Error Missing nameservers reported by parent FAIL: The following nameservers are listed at your nameservers as nameservers for your domain, but are not listed at the parent nameservers (see RFC2181 5.4.1). You need to make sure that these nameservers are working.If they are not working ok, you may have problems!

Missing nameservers reported by your nameservers ERROR: One or more of the nameservers listed at the parent servers are not listed as NS records at your nameservers. The problem NS records are:
This is listed as an ERROR because there are some cases where nasty problems can occur (if the TTLs vary from the NS records at the root servers and the NS records point to your own domain, for example).

You have a wrong configuration in DNS.

Look here:


Be "creative." You could use the Gold Plan specs in your banner (instead of Silver) and put starting at $4.95 there. :devil:
Something I noticed about your wording, I think you may have an incomplete sentence on your homepage: "Our shared and reseller hosting have FFMPEG enabled in them to get your project on the top." ....On the top of what?

On the pages that you describe your shared/reseller plans it says that every plan has "15 Day Money Back" ....I think you forgot the work "guarantee" (unless you give every client their money back after 15 days)

Aside from that, your site looks good.
A few things I noted when browsing:

* the forum link in the top menu is missing on almost every page (except index.html and contact.php)

* Your live chat note blocks the view if you don't browse the site in full view.Perhaps put it on the right side instead?

* On your contact page (being WHMCS) the second menu gets on top of your live chat note.
You should note that I don't often like websites the very first time I see them but I like the general layout of the site. Some suggestions that I think would be good are:

- move the support image a bit away from the side
- move, shrink, or otherwise get rid of the ssl images on the bottom either making them inline with the rest of the bottom items or making them small enough not to make it look like you just dropped them in without caring... you could shrink them and put them on the left of the copyright area
- make the order buttons not "move" when you hover over them (im using chrome btw)
- get yourself a favicon! they are easy to make there are lots of generators if you search google
- move the user login button to be right-aligned with the phone number at the top of the page
- center everything on the plan pages
- give a little more info and/or pictures on the plan pages to show what benefits you have for a new user

Otherwise I like it in general and love that you have information in your FAQ!

Thank you every one for your feedback. We have decided to make a new skin all together. I will post a new topic after we have done so.

Not bad at all but on the package pages I would include some more info, maybe to the side or underneath, it looks a bit bare at the moment, but other than that it looks good so far!

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