Where are you from?

I live in Western Montana. Lot's of mountains and liberals :p . Not a horrible place just I live in a rural area that doesn't have some of the things I would like to have.
Michigan :) also 20 minutes from the canadian border :p

which you need a passport these days to get accross! I need to get a new updated passport/license lol.
St. Louis, but I wish I was back in Kailua, Hawaii. I am wearing a bright red Hawaiian shirt today.

PS I just noticed this thread was started in 2004.
Well personally I am from Ireland... but that does not represent were Shines Host company is based... International would be the best way to say it :)
I was born and grew up in the Philippines but now I am living in Western Australia a totally different place and environment from where I grew up. I do like the place and people they are very nice and friendly. Still I do miss my home country. I haven't been there for almost 3 years now:(