Will you keep a server,cheap but not so efficient?

Everything is replaceable, even me!

If I decide to only work 2 hours a day, and I'm no longer able to keep up with the tasks delegated, I'll be replaced.

On the other hand, if I can get all the work done in the 2 hour time frame, then more power to me! :)

If you're not happy with performance for any reason, then you need to evaluate your options. If that means paying more, or using a different center, then that's the options you have. Of course, it could always be bad programming too :)
You better look for another server if you ar not satisfy about how it work.
And olso try a liitle bit to make you bugget a liitle bigger.
There's no point of buying any thing cheaper if it doesn't work efficiently. I will prefer you not to go for cheap servers, after all efficiency is all that matters after buying it.
Spend well once and enjoy later.
If a cheap server is giving you problems, exactly how much more will it cost you to migrate to a better solution? You probably don't have to go for a top-of-the-line solution, so for just a few more bucks a month you can get flawless performance, without having to break your budget.

So, if your project is important to you, why tolerate? If its not that important, why care about performance issues?
There are plenty of uses for a 'non efficient' server. Backup storage, VPN. I wouldn't get rid of it, but definitely repurpose it if it's not running as smoothly as you want.

Then again, you should look at why it's not running smoothly. There's probably underlying issues.
If you only had a couple of accounts you may be tempted to stay, but then that would have an impact on you trying to get more clients.
I agree with everyone else. Efficiency is a MUST with web hosting, whether it's for your site or for someone else's website(s). You can't sacrifice efficiency. If you can't afford a 'dedicated server' then purchase a VPS for the time being and start your web hosting company there. This way, you have full control over everything.

Don't sacrifice efficiency for yourself or for others. It's a lose, lose situation and bad business. Good luck!
Hi friends,

Just as the title,what would you do,if your server is cheap but not so efficient?Quit or just tolerate?Thanks!

HECK NO! Each frustrated customer is a bad word of mouth review for what they are offering. Why in the world would you want to continue?
What does it mean "Not so efficient"? If server's performance is enough to do his tasks well, I'll keep it. Otherwise, I'll change it.
You can always find another company that offers affordable hosting plans. There’s no need to stick to a hosting provider you’re not satisfied with. That’s why it is a good option to subscribe for monthly packages at first – you’ll try the hosting provider services for a few months and if there’s something that you don’t like about them – you’ll quit and find another provider. But if you are satisfied with their services – you may purchase an annual plan and get a discount (if the company offers such).
You can always find another company that offers affordable hosting plans. There’s no need to stick to a hosting provider you’re not satisfied with. That’s why it is a good option to subscribe for monthly packages at first – you’ll try the hosting provider services for a few months and if there’s something that you don’t like about them – you’ll quit and find another provider. But if you are satisfied with their services – you may purchase an annual plan and get a discount (if the company offers such).

Yeah i agree, start with monthly and then switch to annual or more once you are satisfied with their services
Well, to be honest we will never bare a server that is not efficient either it is cheap or expensive. Quality should not be compromised.
I would prefer to pay some money for the efficient one. Cheap and not efficient doesn't worth it, it's a waste of money.
Hi friends,

Just as the title,what would you do,if your server is cheap but not so efficient?Quit or just tolerate?Thanks!

In a business sense it really depend if the machine does pay itself and provide the target margin it could still be used then again energy efficiency is going very high as of now and the next year so a business might decide to invest now and spend less money on energy on the long run,

Keep in mind the usually life cycle of a server is usually 5 to 6 year to at least met the ROI and make profit on it.
Definitely find a new one. You get what you pay for, and if you paid for something you were expecting and got less, your being scammed.
if you paid for something you were expecting and got less, your being scammed.

Just because you were expecting something and it was not what you were expecting does not mean it is a scam.

it is like you go to a Ford garage expecting to purchase a Ferrari, it is a scam because you could not buy a Ferrari


if they say you will get 50GB space and only get 20GB then it could be a scam but 9/10 will just be an error
Hi friends,

Just as the title,what would you do,if your server is cheap but not so efficient?Quit or just tolerate?Thanks!

why would you?

if you cant do nothing on it why would you pay for it?

server must be up and running and be at use to you.
Just because you were expecting something and it was not what you were expecting does not mean it is a scam.

it is like you go to a Ford garage expecting to purchase a Ferrari, is it a scam because you could not buy a Ferrari


if they say you will get 50GB space and only get 20GB then it could be a scam but 9/10 will just be an error

oops should have read as above