Do you really need a knowledgebase?


Yes, I will suggest you to keep a very good knowledgebase on your site including some needed information.

This is a sign of one good hosting provider.
It did surprise me at first but a lot of our customers will check our knowledge base before submitting a ticket. I think it’s very important to have a knowledge base especially as you get bigger. Even if you have 5 articles it’s much better than an empty knowledge base (I see this on many sites).
A good kb is very valuable to any buisness, I have recently just started making a video one, my customers are starting to really like it :)
A good kb is very valuable to any buisness, I have recently just started making a video one, my customers are starting to really like it :)

A video knowledge base is a great idea. Are you making them in the format of flash tutorials or actual video?

How do you intend to utilize and integrate them on your website?
Knowledgebase is very valuable part of our website/business.
Because it saves our support team time.
We are using it not only for text based questions answers publishing, but for video tutorials.

I have to agree. Knowledgebase has become an important part to our daily business. My support team uses it all the time.
Yes, you need a knowledge base, customers use them. In addition, it lowers your customer service costs. It is also a great pre-sale tool.

It's probably better for your support people to update content, but include a form for customers to open tickets or leave feedback about knowledge base content.

You'll also want to train your support team to provide a response then point to the knowledge base for more information -- rather than, point to the knowledge base for an answer. The later irritates customers.


Oh yes, it is a great idea.
We currently took all our articles off as we will be adding Video Tutorials. Trust me, you do get less support ticket's when you have a KB.
I recommend a knowledge base because it will lower the amount of tickets you will get. For example if someone is looking for information on how to pay their bill, they can just check in the knowledge base. This is even better if you pay your staff per ticket, as you will be saving some money.
I have seen a good percentage of clients use Knowledgebase as their first way to get support. They are just not interested to contact support all the time. Knowledgebase helps to describe some common issues you can see in your support queries. I can't say, it will definitely help, but there is nothing bad to add your common queries in knowledgebase.
A Knowledgebase is a good idea, if for no other reason than it may reduce the number of tickets you get that ask the same thing. Then again, you can have the best KB in the world, and it won't mean a thing if your customers don't read them.
Knowledge base is important. If (your) clients don't use, you teach them to use knowledge base. However you can just give them a KB link/URL related their issues in the ticket reply. It saves time and decrease the support load as well.
Knowledge bases is important for customer review the problem or understand the situation. Sometimes in hurry, they can just check on Knowledge bases. That way is faster than make phone call or live chat or even email support center. =)
Knowledgebase helps

A knowledgebase can keep the clients updated of issues which constantly occur and simple solutions to be tried out. I would say that Knowledge base is very helpful. We can also have blogs on websites which are equally helpful. Check with us to see some good blogs. :)