Live Chat Software

thanks guys, this has helped me out. I think I finally found Live Chat software that works for what I want it to.
We've used at least 15 different chat clients (including the mentioned HCL) and of them all, the company favorite has been ClickChatSold (

Some call them pricey (at $20/month) but I think that the ROI from a solid chat tool justifies the expenditure.

but wouldn't you want it to because it's supposed to be live and your supposed to answer the guys question as soon as possible are you not?
megri said:
I have tried many free software but finally I settled at PHPLive which is excellent
Hello megri,

Thanks for joining the forum, although I don't currently use PHPLive I have hard that it is a great application and has many functions that the free programs do not have. We look forward to more of your posts! :D
PHPLive is a popular choice.
The Kayako one seems to be very slow from what I've seen

The only thing about live chat software is that you need to have someone there to deal with queries all day plus you have a certain number of muppets who enjoy hassling live chat users when they are bored.
personally, I rather do both a support ticket system and live chat. that way if noone is online to do live chat theres usually always someone checking the support desk every couple of minutes

I use It has a really good downloadable windows program to talk to your vistors, or you can login from the web.

Talk to them on live help and im sure they will give you a great deal!



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