The most used CMS

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When it comes to the number of users, what do you think the most popular content management system is? I was thinking that it must be one among Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal.
Released in April 2012, Wordpress has 72.4 Million sites out there. According to the Stats on the Wordpress site they say there's more than 342 million people view wordpress sites and more than 2.5 billion pages were loaded.

Going to be tough to beat those numbers.
Released in April 2012, Wordpress has 72.4 Million sites out there. According to the Stats on the Wordpress site they say there's more than 342 million people view wordpress sites and more than 2.5 billion pages were loaded.

Going to be tough to beat those numbers.

Exactly. :thumbup: The numbers don't lie!.. WordPress is definitely the most used CMS right now. :agree:

P.S. - I <3 WP!:D
Ineed. wordpress is the most popular CMS. For the new users who wish to start their own blogs, wordpress is the right choice for them.
Wordpress would be the number one, couldn't find exact stats but joomla could be second in the list.
I love wordpress since there are lots of themes for free and paid are available specially wordpress with combination of professional themes such as available at themeforest make it more easier to develop a professional looking website in matter of minutes.

Wordpress is very easy to use and that is why everyone loves Wordpress to be the first choice as CMS.
I personally have never used either, but i have several clients who have WP sites as these are the ones that we spend more support on as they always have issues with WP
Looks like WP has grown by over one million in just the past few weeks.

And WordPress has grown way beyond being a blog app. :)
Wordpress is the only thing I really hear about anymore and on the slight chance some other name crops up its "Oh I tried that ... and then I went to Wordpress". The thing that bugs me is all the freebie places out there that upset clients going "I can not get my database back from them and want to switch to WP". :(
Wordpress has evolved way beyond being just a blog app. Its ease of use, and inherent seo ability, massive support, plugins for everything you can imagine, and huge amount of themes make it the #1 cms...hands down.
Wordpress has evolved way beyond being just a blog app. Its ease of use, and inherent seo ability, massive support, plugins for everything you can imagine, and huge amount of themes make it the #1 cms...hands down.

I agree with you, Wordpress is much more than just a blogging platform. As a CMS, I think it is not less powerful than Joomla and Drupal, and Wordpress is easier to use than the other two.
Wordpress is user friendly. But I feel template of Joomla looks better.

There are no limits to what you can make it look like and the same goes for Joomla as far as that goes. You can make a Joomla temp look exactly like wordpress and vice versa so kind of a "null pointer" :p
There are no limits to what you can make it look like and the same goes for Joomla as far as that goes. You can make a Joomla temp look exactly like wordpress and vice versa so kind of a "null pointer" :p

Then I have a follow-up question. Which CMS (WordPress or Joomla) provides easier admin/editor management in terms of website updates?

I've never used Joomla, but from the intermediate experience that I have with WordPress, it is not that straightforward to update the pages and add new information, except for new blog posts. I've always had a hard time figuring out how to create/add/edit regular pages and then link them up together in WordPress.
Then I have a follow-up question. Which CMS (WordPress or Joomla) provides easier admin/editor management in terms of website updates?

I've never used Joomla, but from the intermediate experience that I have with WordPress, it is not that straightforward to update the pages and add new information, except for new blog posts. I've always had a hard time figuring out how to create/add/edit regular pages and then link them up together in WordPress.

I have ever used both Wordpress and Joomla and I can say that Wordpress is much more user friendly than Joomla. Try Joomla and you will know what I mean.
Wordpress is most widely used CMS. But you might find a lot of Joomla users too. It depends on a person which one he prefers. :)
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